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Five on Friday | August 14, 2015

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Five on FridayAcross the country, the harvest season is in full swing: farmworkers are shaking the almond trees in California, raking the blueberries in Maine, and harvesting the wheat and barley in Minnesota. In the offices of Migrant Clinicians Network, we have been sharing a number of interesting articles and resources that we’d like to share with you. Here’s this week’s Five on Friday:

1. Del, Director of International Projects, Research, and Development, says that the Missing Migrant Project’s hotline “seems like an incredible service, if indeed they help find lost migrants at the border.”

2. Jennie McLaurin, Specialist in Child and Migrant Health and Bioethics, found this news piece on penalizations for hospital readmissions to be very important: “Communication is huge. Think of how cheap training patient navigators is, compared to losing millions.”

3. Cancer: the cure versus prevention was the focus of this Washington Post article. Charlotte, Development Coordinator, pulled out this line from the article: "No one is suggesting we should stop developing treatments for advanced cancers, but most think prevention is sorely underfunded.”

4. Jillian, Director of Education and Professional Development, forwarded on this CBS segment on the growing demand of fair food, such as the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program.

5. Del highlighted two LA Times articles from Tuesday, drawing groans from MCN’s Austin office for the article entitled, “Two years into Obamacare, only one state still has more than 20% uninsured,” and garnering nods of approval from MCN’s Chico, California office for the article entitled, “Gov. Brown doesn't want California to use this word for immigrants.”

Have a safe and healthy weekend!

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