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Five on Friday | June 5, 2015

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MCN Five on FridayThe first weekend in June has arrived! Our top five links from MCN staff for the week are all over the map; we’ve included a bit of everything, from new migration flow data to the Pope. Which of these pieces got you thinking? Which will impact your work? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

1. Claire, Writer and Editor, forwarded on a recent article from the Migration Policy Institute entitled, "In Historic Shift, New Migration Flows from Mexico Fall Below Those from China and India,” which provides data as well as some narrative as to why the migration flows are changing.

2. Theressa, Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, recommends the CDC’s Vital Signs June 2015 issue on Preventing Melanoma

3. Charlotte, Development Coordinator, heard on her NPR affiliate this “well-reported piece on on health clinics' challenges -- seen through the lens of Charlotte Community Health Clinic [in North Carolina]. And it does a good job of explaining the accessibility gap for low-income people in states that refused to expand Medicaid under the ACA.” Bonus link: Charlotte also offered a “good piece on Nurse Practitioners” from the New York Times.

4. Ileana, Senior Advisor for Scientific and Strategic Planning, sent us an update on Healthy Hearts Northwest from its principal investigator, Michael Parchman, who is also on MCN’s External Advisory Board.

5. Tiffy, Communications and Graphic Designer, offered up an article on Pope Francis, who recently weighed in on the hot-button issue of EU migration policy, calling on leaders to protect the lives of the thousands of immigrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean in recent months.

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