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Wed, 03/18/2015 | by KerryBrennan

[Update: While the comic book campaign has ended, our comic books still live on! All of our comic books, including the pesticide comics listed below, are available to download for free. Please visit our comics resource page to download your copies.]
In conjunction with National Poison Prevention Week, MCN announces the availability of our FREE Spanish-language pesticide comic books. These three comic books use illustration and conversation-style text to educate farmworkers and their families about pesticides and ways to minimize exposures. The comic books can be ordered here.
The comics include:
- Aunque Cerca…Sano educates parents about children's risks to pesticide exposure and ways to minimize these risks.
- Lo Que Bien Empieza...Bien Acaba helps women of reproductive age and pregnant women in rural and urban areas understand the risks associated with pesticide exposure and ways to minimize exposure.
- Poco Veneno...¿No Mata? offers family-based information on what pesticides are, why one should be concerned about pesticide exposures, how to minimize pesticide exposures and how to respond to a pesticide poisoning.
In exchange for these free resources, MCN asks you to complete a comic book evaluation that will be sent in September.
MCN thanks the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Safety and Health for the initial print run of these comic books. Migrant Clinicians Network is proud to continue to offer these comic books as a download, free of charge.