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More than Teeth | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

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MNC Jose Rodriguez[Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

Today is the opening day of the National Farmworkers Health Conference in El Paso, Texas. Migrant Clinicians Network will be celebrating its 30th anniversary through an informational display in the conference foyer, and by providing every participant with a booklet about 30 Clinicians Making a Difference, which features fun graphics and short excerpts of each of our 30 clinicians’ profiles. If you are attending, please come and say hello!

Mark Koday, DDS, one of our 30 clinicians and the Chief Dental Officer at Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic, will be co-presenting at the conference today in an education session entitled, “Population Health Drivers Contributing to the Improvement of Oral Health of Farmworker Children and Their Families.” Participants will explore needs at the national, state, and local levels to increase the availability of oral health care for farmworker children and their families.

Dr. Koday’s own commitment to integrating dental care into the primary care system in Washington’s fertile Yakima Valley is detailed in his profile for 30 Clinicians Making a Difference.

Help us honor the work of Dr. Koday by sharing his profile. And, make sure to check out the profiles of all 30 clinicians at the 30 Clinicians Making a Difference webpage.

Like our work? Consider making a donation to MCN to celebrate our 30th anniversary.

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