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Five on Friday: Trauma and Exhaustion Among Health Care Workers

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Five on Friday: Trauma and Exhaustion Among Health Care Workers

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Don’t wait til the last minute – make sure you know where you’re buying your fair trade chocolate, to ensure that the goodies for your loved ones aren’t produced by child labor. Most of the major chocolate producers have broken their pledges to end child labor in their supply systems, pledges they made two decades ago, and so consumers still need to do their homework to ensure their purchases align with their values. On to Five on Friday, where we chronicle some pieces that MCN staff have shared in the world of health justice:


A healthcare worker

Kaethe notes, “I read articles daily on the impact of COVID-19 on health care workers.  This one is particularly comprehensive…and troubling:” “A Parallel Pandemic Hits Health Care Workers: Trauma and Exhaustion.”

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An aerial photo of detention centers

Laz shared “'This Is Literally An Industry': Drone Images Give Rare Look at For-Profit ICE Detention Centers.”

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Graphs on finances of FQHCs

Karen shared the new report, “The Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Federally Qualified Health Centers.”

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OSHA 50th Anniversary - 3 Censored Films on Reel America

Amy gave a historical perspective on occupational health and the involvement of politics, when sharing the trailer, “OSHA 50th Anniversary - 3 Censored Films on Reel America.” C-SPAN will be playing the three films from February 6th through February 8th -- check your local TV listings.

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The path forward: Vaccinations

Weekly Win: Claire shared yet another article highlighting the exceptional collaborations that have come out of the pandemic, this time in West Virginia: “How West Virginia Became the Nation's Leader in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution.” Another article highlights the great partnerships to reduce cases at the Matamoros tent camps at the US-Mexico border: “Refugees Hold the Line Against a Pandemic.”



Have a safe and healthy weekend.

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