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Five on Friday: Focusing on Vaccination

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Five on Friday: Focusing on Vaccination

Another busy week in the world of migrant health! Somehow, it’s already Friday. Time to round up five articles or resources that MCN staff shared. Here are our picks for the week.


The back of a prison inmate

Karen forwarded the Physicians for Human Rights report, “Praying for Hand Soap and Masks: Health and Human Rights Violations in U.S. Immigration Detention during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

Ed offered up this quick slideshow, “Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines: Side-by-side Comparison.”

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A person receiving a vaccination

Kaethe shared the new KFF article, “Vaccine Hesitancy Among Hispanic Adults.”

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COVID-19 Vaccine Primer for Primary Care

Kaethe also recommended a great COVID-19 vaccine primer from a clinician at a health system in Massachusetts. The video is “intended for use by clinicians and leaders to share details about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, answer questions about their safety, and support widespread adoption to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

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A woman receives a vaccination

Weekly Win: Amy shared the news that part of President-elect Joe Biden’s plan to battle the pandemic is to “create a national vaccination program, expand testing, and to hire 100,000 more community health workers.” 



Have a safe and healthy weekend.

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