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Five on Friday: FDA to Allow Mixing and Matching of COVID-19 Boosters

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Five on Friday: FDA to Allow Mixing and Matching of COVID-19 Boosters

It’s Friday! Time to peek into the inboxes of MCN staff. Each week, we share lots of news, resources, and videos among ourselves to keep up to date. Here are a few we wanted to highlight.


A person being vaccinated

Wilmarí shared new data from Puerto Rico of the time-varying effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines.

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Title slide of video

Leslie recommended the NESAWG conference in Spanish: “It Takes a Region” Conferencia

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A person receiving a vaccination

Aníbal forwarded on the big news: US FDA to Allow Mixing and Matching of COVID-19 Boosters


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A doctor puts a bandaid on a patient

Laz offered the Wall Street Journal piece, Some Vaccines Last a Lifetime. Here’s Why Covid-19 Shots Don’t.

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ICE officers

Weekly Win: Migrants and immigrants who work in the US without authorization face numerous determinants that negatively impact their heath and well-being. One is the health impacts of chronic stress and anxiety around workplace raids. Kaethe shared this good news for our weekly win: Biden Administration Halts Mass Worksite Raids By ICE



Have a safe and healthy weekend!

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