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Environmental Health

In the Field: Outreach Workers Offer Chemical Safety in Adjuntas, Puerto Rico

MCN Outreach Workers


Blue Tarps, Generators, and the Coqui: Puerto Rico Gives New Meaning to Resiliency

People getting water from pipe along a dirt road

Photo: Corporación de Servicios Médicos (CSM)

Spanish translation here

By Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA

Farmworkers deserve protection from pesticides: Defend important regulations and take part in National Farmworker Awareness Week #NFAW2018


Now What? Clinical Strategies for Vulnerable Workers, Months After Disaster

Hurricane wildfire person praying


When the Fires Broke Out, CHWs in Oregon Took a Different Approach

Toña Sanchez visits with migrant kids

Lead Community Health Worker Toña Sanchez visits with migrant kids. Photo: The Next Door, Inc.


Leslie Nickels: “One of our finest warriors," A Memorial from The Pump Handle

[Editor's Note: We at MCN are saddened to hear of Leslie's passing. Here, we reprint a touching memorial written by Celeste Monforton, DrPH, MPH, at the Pump Handle. Read the original blog post here, that includes pictures of Leslie and lots of comments from our colleagues.]

Migrant Clinicians Network Receives Aetna Grant for Health Education for Farmworker Parents

child reading a book with her dad


From the Fields to the Exam Room: MCN Trains Thousands on Pesticide Poisoning Response

man spraying pesticides on plants


After the Storm: National COSH's Perspective from their Train-the-Trainer Sessions in Houston

COSH Network staff survey damage to homes after hurricane Harvey


Picking Fruit in 106 Degrees in Oregon: How Do Health Centers Step in to Prevent Yet Another Heat-Related Death?

workers raising hands


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