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Affordable Care Act: Building Health Equity for LGBT People

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Under the Affordable Care Act, health centers and community based organizations continue to serve a critical role in helping LGBT people access health insurance coverage. In this webinar, Kellan Baker, MPH, MA, a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, will explain how reforms under the new system have impacted multiple aspects of health care for LGBT people, including data collection, prevention and wellness, Medicaid and other health insurance coverage. He will also address strategies that health centers and other organizations can use to enroll LGBT people into health centers to continue to reduce the number of uninsured LGBT people, especially people living with HIV/AIDS.  Faculty:  Kellan Baker, MPH, MA, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress  Sponsor:  The National LGBT HEalth Educaiton Center  To register for this event please click on the following link:  

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