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NACHC's 2016 Conference for Agricultural Worker Health

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The Con­fer­ence for Agri­cul­tural Worker Health is the only con­fer­ence ded­i­cated solely to the health and well-being of America’s migra­tory and sea­sonal agri­cul­tural work­ers. Com­mu­nity and Migrant Heath Cen­ters cur­rently serve approx­i­mately 900,000 migra­tory and sea­sonal agri­cul­tural work­ers and their fam­i­lies. How­ever, this rep­re­sents less than 25% of the esti­mated num­ber who reside in the coun­try. We must do bet­ter, we can and we are!  For more information about the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), this conference & to reister for this event, please click here.

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