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November 2002 - Assimilation, Acculturation, and Alternative Medicines

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 6
Tue, 11/12/2002

In this issue

  • Hormone Therapy Recommendations
  • Population Education and Pesticide Knowledge
  • Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
  • Pizcando Suenos/Harvesting Dreams: The Voices of Mexican American Women
  • Women and Heart Disease

September 2002 - The Nature and Management of Dental Caries

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 5
Tue, 09/10/2002

In this issue

  • Pediatric Care Providers and Early Childhood Caries
  • How to Have No Tooth Decay
  • A New MCN Partnership
  • New Spanish Language Pesticide Resource Available
  • ATSDR Tox Profiles

July 2002 - New Methods of Birth Control

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 4
Mon, 07/08/2002

In this issue

  • Pizcando Suenos/Harvesting Dreams: The Voices of Mexican American Women Crossing the Border
  • Closing Racial and Ethnic Gaps in National Breastfeeding Rates
  • Reporting Pesticide Illness Helps Farmworkers
  • Adult Screening for Depression
  • Child Health Insurance
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

May 2002: An Overview of Drinking Water Quality and Water and Sanitation-Related Disease

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3
Mon, 05/06/2002

In this issue

  • Newsflashes
  • TB Education and Training Network and TB-Educate Listserv
  • Pizcando Suenos/Harvesting Dreams: The Voices of Mexican American Women

March 2002 - Cultural Competency in Practice

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 2
Mon, 03/04/2002

In this issue

  • To PPD or Not to PPD That is the Question
  • TBNet A Resource for Mobile Patients

February 2002 - Exploring a Paradox: Immigrants may hold clues to protecting health during pregnancy

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 1
Wed, 01/02/2002

In this issue

  • Gestational Diabetes and Hispanic Women
  • Pre-Natal Tracking Project
  • CDC Releases New Bioterrorism Web Resources

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