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Users with a MD Credential

Edward Zuroweste's picture

Ed Zuroweste, MD is the Founding Medical Director for Migrant Clinicians Network. He was present for the first official meeting of Migrant Clinicians Network in 1985 and has been consistently involved with the organization since that time.

Dr. Zuroweste began his work with migrants as a partner in a private practice in Chambersburg, PA. He later became the Medical Director of Keystone Health Center, a large Migrant and Community Health Center in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. While attending to his administrative responsibilities, Dr. Zuroweste also maintained a full-time clinical practice in family practice and obstetrics, including full hospital privileges in Pediatrics, Adult Medicine, and Obstetrics.

In addition to his work with MCN, Dr. Zuroweste is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine where he directs an International Rural Health Elective in Honduras. Dr. Zuroweste is also the staff physician for seven County Health Department tuberculosis clinics, Pennsylvania Department of Health and he currently acts as the Tuberculosis Medical Consultant for the PA Dept. of Health ; a Clinical Consultant for three separate consulting firms; and serves as a Locum Tenem family physician for multiple sites. Dr. Zuroweste has worked for the World Health Organization (WHO) on two separate short term assignments; the first in 2009-2010 as a Special Medical Consultant during the H1N1 influenza pandemic, and in 2014 as a Special Medical Consultant with the Ebola Response Team in Guinea and Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Dr. Zuroweste has traveled extensively in Central America, especially Honduras and Guatemala both for teaching and pleasure. He has also traveled to Europe, South America, and the Caribbean.

Dr. Zuroweste is married with three children. When not working, Dr. Zuroweste enjoys long distance running, listening to great music, great movies and concerts, working out of doors, and traveling with family and friends to far-off locations.

George Davis's picture
George F.

George F. Davis, MD, es médico y especialista en ética. Se graduó de Harvard College y luego de la facultad de Fisiatras y Cirujanos de la Universidad de Columbia. Comenzó su residencia en pediatría, pero cambió a medicina familiar general. Ha practicado en el estado de Nueva York durante los últimos 37 años, asociado con el Hospital Columbia Memorial en Hudson, Nueva York. Durante ese tiempo, trabajó con el programa local de salud para inmigrantes, asociado con el Centro de Salud Comunitario de Peekskill, Nueva York. En el camino, las experiencias de vida lo llevaron a desarrollar especialidades en Cuidados Paliativos y ética clínica médica. Comenzó su formación en ética en 1994 en el Instituto Kennedy de Ética en Washington, D.C. Luego obtuvo una maestría en bioética en 2004 de Union University en Schenectady, Nueva York, en asociación con Albany Medical Center en Albany, Nueva. York. Tiene amplia experiencia en consultas de ética clínica. De 2001 a 2007, trabajó como consultor con Médicos del Mundo en la ciudad de Nueva York para realizar exámenes médicos a refugiados de todo el mundo que buscaban asilo en los Estados Unidos. Durante esos mismos años, formó parte de la junta directiva de Migrant Clinicians Network y se desempeñó como presidente de la junta en 2006 y 2007. Desde que se mudó a Venice, Florida en 2017, comenzó Advanced Illness Crisis Guidance, PLLC, una empresa de consultoría para guiar a las familias y los equipos de atención médica fuera de la crisis debido a comunicaciones y toma de decisiones complejas y conflictivas. Más en

Giorgio Alberto Franyuti Kelly's picture

Giorgio Alberto Franyuti Kelly, MD, is the Executive Director of Medical IMPACT, a nonprofit organization based in Mexico that provides humanitarian medical assistance to communities living under extreme marginalization, political instability, difficult access, or natural disasters. He has led and developed interventions that has provided humanitarian medical assistance and supplies or prevention education to over 20,000 people in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Cuba, Guatemala, and Mexico. He has published widely on health concerns, including on Ebola and apoptosis. Dr. Franyuti is a medical doctor with a specialty degree in occupational health and a Master’s degree in Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities Direction and Administration from Anahuac University, Mexico City.

Giorgio Alberto Franyuti Kelly, MD es el Director Ejecutivo de Medical IMPACT, una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en México que proporciona asistencia médica y humanitaria a comunidades que viven en condiciones de marginación extrema, inestabilidad política, dificultades de acceso o desastres naturales. Ha liderado y desarrollado operaciones que han brindado asistencia médica humanitaria y suministros o educación preventiva a más de 200 000 personas en Kenia, Sierra Leona, Cuba, Guatemala y México. El Dr. Franyuti es un médico especialista en salud ocupacional y tiene una maestría en Dirección y Gestión de Hospitales e Instituciones de Salud de la Universidad Anáhuac, en la Ciudad de México.

Eva Galvez's picture

Eva M. Galvez, MD is a board certified family physician in Hillsboro, Oregon. She obtained her medical degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine in 2004. Dr. Galvez has been working in federally qualified health centers since her residency training which she completed in 2007 at Sea Mar Community Health Center in Washington state. Since 2010, she has been employed by Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center and manages a busy panel of patients, most of whom are Spanish speaking and immigrants. She is committed to providing high quality, compassionate, and culturally appropriate care to the people of her state. As the daughter of Mexican immigrants and seasonal farmworkers she has a special interest in the health issues facing immigrant families and seasonal farm workers. Dr. Galvez also serves as a teacher for family medicine students. She believes that she has a responsibility to help train the future generation of family physicians and most importantly, in bringing awareness to future doctors regarding the barriers and social determinants affecting immigrants. She has served as a family medicine clinical instructor for University of Washington School of Medicine and currently serves as a clinical preceptor for family medicine residents from the Wright Center. She is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and currently serves on the scientific advisory on the Project to Prevent and Reduce Adverse Health Effects of Pesticides on Indigenous Farmworkers. She is a proud wife and mother of two children.

Eva M. Galvez, MD, tiene certificación como médica de familia y vive en Hillsboro, Oregon. En 2004, ella recibió su título en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington. Terminó su residencia en 2007, en Sea Mar Community Health Center, y desde entonces la Dra. Galvez ha trabajado en centros de salud federalmente calificados. Desde 2010, ha trabajado en el Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center, donde atiende a un gran número de pacientes, en su mayoria inmigrantes hispanohablantes. Ella tiene el compromiso de ofrecer, a todas las personas de su estado, atención médica de excellente calidad, humana y adaptada a sus culturas. Como hija de inmigrantes mexicanos y trabajadores agrícolas temporales, tiene especial interés en los desafios de salud que enfrentan las familias inmigrantes y los trabajadores agrícolas temporales. La Dra. Galvez también enseña a estudiantes de medicina familiar. Ella considera que tiene la responsabilidad de ayudar a formar la futura generación de médicos de familia y, sobre todo, de sensibilizar a los futuros médicos sobre las barreras y determinantes culturales que afectan a los inmigrantes. Ella se ha desempeñado como docente de medicina familiar clínica en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington y actualmente tiene el cargo de tutora clínica de los residentes de medicina familiar del Wright Center. Ella es miembro de la American Academy of Family Physicians y en la actualidad forma parte del consejo consultivo científico del Proyecto para Prevenir y Reducir los Efectos Adversos en la Salud de los Pesticidas en Trabajadores Agrícolas Indígenas. Ella es una esposa orgullosa y madre de dos hijos.

Marsha Griffin's picture

Marsha Griffin, MD, is Director, Division of Child and Family Health, at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine, and co-founder of Community for Children, along with Dr. Minnette Son, Professor of Pediatrics, UTHSCSA. In addition, Dr. Griffin is clinical adjunct faculty for the UTHSCSA Regional Academic Health Center. Dr. Griffin received her medical degree from the UTHSCSA in 2003 and completed her residency in general pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in June 2006. Prior to her medical career, Dr. Griffin completed graduate studies in the theology of social justice at United Theological Seminary in New Brighton, Minnesota. She was founder and, from 1988 to 1999, executive director of the FOCUS Foundation, a nonprofit organization that produced documentary films concerning adolescents and their struggle for success. As director of housing services for the Central Community Housing Trust in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from 1996 to 1999, she was instrumental in developing housing and services in the inner-city for homeless, former addicts, Somalian refugees, and street children. A lifelong advocate for the underserved, Dr. Griffin has served as a board member for numerous community-based organizations both nationally and internationally and provided care in countries such as Haiti, Ecuador and Nicaragua.

Gayle Thomas's picture

Dr. Gayle Thomas serves as the medical director of the North Carolina Farmworker Health Program, a statewide voucher program supporting outreach workers to migrant and seasonal farmworkers. She also is an assistant professor of Family Medicine at the University of North Carolina, and enjoys bringing medical students and residents with her to care for farmworkers on a mobile medical van in Benson, NC. Prior to this position, she worked as a family physician for 23 years at the Carrboro Community Health Center with primarily Spanish speaking patients. She grew up in Napa, California and did her medical training in Los Angeles. She was born in Tandala, Democratic Republic of Congo to missionary teachers.

Gayle Thomas, MD, trabaja como directora médica del North Carolina Farmworker Health Program, un programa estatal de vales que financia a los trabajadores campo para los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y temporales. La doctora Thomas también es profesora asociada de Medicina Familiar en la Universidad de Carolina del Sur y le gusta que sus estudiantes y residentes de medicina la acompañen a atender a trabajadores agrícolas en una furgoneta médica móvil en Benson, Carolina del Norte. Antes de ese cargo, ella se desempeñó durante 23 años como médica de familia en el Carrboro Community Health Center, atendiendo sobre todo a pacientes hispanohablantes. Ella creció en Napa, California y cursó sus estudios de medicina en Los Ángeles. Hija de padres misioneros, ella nació en Tandala, República Democrática del Congo.

José Rodríguez's picture

José Rodríguez is the Medical Director at Hospital General Castañer, Puerto Rico. Dr. Rodríguez also serves as a Senior Medical Advisor in Puerto Rico for Migrant Clinicians Network.

Carmen D. Zorrilla's picture

Dr. Carmen D. Zorrilla is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American Academy of HIV Medicine. She has experience in both Ob-Gyn and HIV related research that includes behavior interventions and clinical trials with HIV infected and at risk populations as well as pregnant and non-pregnant women. She is an examiner for the Oral exam of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) and has served as an examiner for almost two decades. She was the first female trained in the island to be chosen as an examiner for the ABOG.

methigpen's picture

I am a NHSC Scholarship recipient, and have worked at a CHC for over 20 years.

bgould's picture

Dr. Gould is a long-time advocate for public health, primary care and preventative medicine, Gould also is AHEC director, medical director of Hartford’s Department of Health and Human Services, and medical director of the Burgdorf Health Center, a community clinic serving the underserved population in Hartford’s north end in collaboration with Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center. He also is the founder of and an adviser to the Mobile Free Migrant Farmworker Clinic, which has served Connecticut’s migrant farm worker population since 1998. Dr. Gould is involved in the development and delivery of the medical school’s quality improvement and patient safety curriculum and its nutrition curriculum. He helped establish UConn’s Urban Service Track, a special mentorship program designed to produce doctors, dentists, nurses and pharmacists committed to serving Connecticut’s urban underserved populations, and the Youth Health Services Corps, a nationally recognized recruitment program that trains and places high school students as volunteers in various health care agencies.

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