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ImmuNews November 2009
Our topic for the month is H1N1 vaccinations. Dealing with both seasonal flu vaccinations and the constant swirl of information, availability, and updates around the H1N1 vaccine has made this a challenging season flu season for providers. We offer direct links to several CDC web pages and one patient flyer from the CDC.
- Immunews Nov09 ( 78 Kb )
ImmuNews December 2009
First of all, this month we offer some reminders for resources that are available to help you navigate, with your clients, between immunization requirements in the US and those from neighboring Mexico. Second, we guide you to a link on the World Health Organization website where you can check other countries’ immunization requirements and schedules. This may give you a starting point for understanding your migrant clients’ immunization histories. Third, we offer a sample bi-lingual parent-held pediatric vaccine record.
- immunews Dec09 ( 1 Mb )
ImmuNews July 09
Welcome to Immu-News, the Immunization Initiatives listserv, a monthly resource for the community of participants in this project. For now, this is post-only listserv (in other words, you will get only one e-mail per month in your mailbox, instead of floods of daily discussions) but we hope to evolve into a more interactive form, something that will truly be of service to you as each of you searches for ways to improve your ability to record and access immunization data, to increase immunizations provided to your clients, and thus to improve the health of your community.
- immunews july09 ( 131 Kb )
ImmuNews June 09
Our June topic is IIS or Immunzaion Registries. Between August and October of 2008, immunization initiative staff at MCN conducted structured interviews with all State Immunization Coordinators or their designated contact persons in an effort to identify state programs that address the immunization needs. In response to the question “does your state have an electronic immunization registry?” we found that 42 states have registries, six states are in the process of implementing them, and two states do not have registries.
- immunews June09 ( 83 Kb )
ImmuNews May 09
Our May topic is “What Do Migrants from Mexico, Central and South America Think About Immunization?” MCN has conducted several focus groups in recent years on this topic, and we share with you, in two papers, what we learned in these focus groups.
- immunews may09 ( 81 Kb )
Carbofuran Pesticide Residues in Food Revoked
EPA has revoked regulations that permitted small residues of the pesticide carbofuran in food.
Cultural Sensitivity Training
FIOB has a good presentation that they use to teach the general community about indigenous cultures. This PowerPoint could be used to teach staff about indigenous languages.
Oregon Law Center Indigenous Languages Strategies
- Perspectives Lead Exposure ( 1 Mb )
July 2008 Heptalk Listserv
Welcome to the HepTalk Listserv. For July, we offer two articles about immunizing adolescents. Adolescents are often seen by many of you in your clinics for a variety of reasons, from prenatal care to sports physical exams, presenting a good opportunity to see if they have had their Hep B shots.
- july08 heptalk ( 44 Kb )
- summit brochure ( 230 Kb )