- Who We Are
- Clinician Employment
- Publications
- Witness to Witness (W2W)
- Kugel & Zuroweste Health Justice Award
- Your Voice Matters: Photovoice Project
Addressing Domestic Violence in a Clinical Setting.
This manual is designed for health professionals and addresses domestic violence from the clinical perspective, with a focus on assisting migrant and immigrant survivors of abuse.
- DVManual ( 482 Kb )
Domestic Violence Screening Low Literacy Form
This is a one page tool used by community health workers to evaluate individuals for family violence. The tool is designed for use with low literacy populations and uses pictures instead of words to communicate.
- ICONFormEnglish2 ( 311 Kb )
- ICONFormSpanish ( 326 Kb )
Evaluation Tool for Physical Abuse, English and Spanish
One page tool to use in evaluating the possibility of physical abuse.
- EvaluationforPhysicalAbuse ( 75 Kb )
Family Violence Training Manual for Community Health Workers
This manual was developed for community health workers and/or advocates who are working in family violence prevention.
- DVTrainManual ( 2 Mb )
Engaging Migrant Men Discussion Guide Informational Packet
These files are part of the Engaging Migrant Men project.
Accompanying discussion guides were created to be used by male peers, community leaders, or outreach workers for one-on-one and small group discussions with men.
Engaging Migrant Men Fotonovelas
These files are part of the Engaging Migrant Men project.
MCN developed 3 vignettes that portray the three messages developed in video and printed form.
- Mis palabras pueden causar daño a mi pareja. My words can hurt my partner.(Bilingual) ( 363 Kb )
- Mis palabras pueden causar daño a mi pareja. (Spanish only) ( 363 Kb )
- Para. Manténgase calmado.Y evite la violencia. Stop. Stay Calm. And avoid violence. (Bilingual) ( 290 Kb )
- Para. Manténgase calmado.Y evite la violencia. (Spanish only) ( 343 Kb )
- La violencia no es solo física. | Booklet format (Bilingual) ( 380 Kb )
- La violencia no es solo física. | Booklet format (Spanish only) ( 374 Kb )
- La violencia no es solo física. Es emocional, sexual y económica. Violence is not only physical. It is emotional... (Bilingual) ( 593 Kb )
- La violencia no es solo física. Es emocional, sexual y económica. (Spanish only) ( 583 Kb )
Webinar | Hombres Unidos: Engaging Latino Migrant Men in Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention
Hombres Unidos is a peer-led workshop focused on the primary prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence (s/ipv) with Latino migrant men. Developed in 2005 with the support from the Centers for Disease and Control, this five session workshop is implemented using a popular education technique (Paulo Freire) which is a concept that incorporates notions of class, political struggle and social transformation.