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Top 5 Ways Health Network Saved Lives of Mobile Patients in 2015
Tue, 12/22/2015 | by Claire Hutkins Seda
Creating a Patient Centered Medical Home for Those on the Move [Health Network]
Migrant Clinicians Network promotes medical home transformation designed to include patients who experience barriers to health care due to mobility, poverty, language, and culture.
Health Network assures continuity of care and treatment completion by providing comprehensive case management, medical records transfer and follow up services for mobile patients.
- Health Network Flyer (English) ( 460 Kb )
- Health Network Flyer (Spanish) ( 487 Kb )
Webinar Presentation Slides: The Intersection of Primary Care and Migration Health
This webinar is the third in a series of seven in our Clinician Orienatation to Migration Health.
- ChronicInfDisWebApr2013 MCN ( 4 Mb )
Commited to a World Free of TB
Fri, 03/22/2013 | by AnonymousMany advances have occurred since March 24 of 1882, the day that Dr. Robert Koch discovered the cause of tuberculosis. There is still much left to do in order to eradicate this disease on a global level. For example:
2012 Year in Review for Health Network
- HealthNetworkYearInReview2012 Spanish ( 864 Kb )
- HealthNetworkYearInReview2012 English ( 839 Kb )
Webinar Presentation Slides: Overview of Critical Concerns in Migration Health
This webinar is the first in a series of seven in our Clinician Orienatation to Migration Health.
- OverviewMigrationHealth ( 4 Mb )
2011 Year In Review | Migrant Clinicians Network
2-page highlight of MCN's services and programs in action during 2011 available in English and Spanish.
MCN's Year in Review 2011 is also available as the Prezi interactive presentation.
LIVESTRONG helps anyone affected by cancer — whether you have cancer or are a caregiver, family member or friend of someone diagnosed LIVESTRONG helps you understand your options, what to expect and what questions to ask. And we offer one-on-one support all along the way.
TBNet: Ensuring continuity of care through global trans-border patient navigation
A resource discussing TBNet. Ensuring continuity of care thrugh global trans-border patient navigation. Topics include: Global trans-border patient navigation, Barriers for Continuity of Care, Pre-Enrollment Education, Confidentiality, Pre-enrollment education assurance to the patient, and Forms.
- TBNet2010 ( 1 Mb )