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- Kugel & Zuroweste Health Justice Award
- Your Voice Matters: Photovoice Project
COMIC: Lo Que Bien Empieza… Bien Acaba
MCN Spanish educational comic book that addresses pesticide exposure in women of reproductive age. LO QUE BIEN EMPIEZA...BIEN ACABA: Consejos para las mujeres para prevenir daños a la salud y a sus bebés causados por pesticidas.
- Lo Que Bien Empieza Comic Book ( 17 Mb )
COMIC: ¡Cuídate! A Simple Guide For Preventing Muscle Injuries At Work
¡Cuídate! is a patient education resource aimed at preventing musculoskeletal injuries among farmworkers. The comic book is available in English, Spanish and Creole.
Rapid Clinical Assessment Tool for Adolescent Farmworker Injury and Exposure
Use the link below to access MCN's Rapid Assessment Tool to help adolescent farmworkers identify agricultural tasks they perform in agriculture and facilitate clinician understanding about the health risks associated with it. Youth worker images are adapted and reproduced with permission from the National Children Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Images copyrighted through Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin.
- adol fw rapidrisk assess clinician ( 4 Mb )
- adol rapidrisk assess board 2 ( 7 Mb )
OSHA's Campaign to Prevent Heat Illness in Outdoor Workers
HEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. These illnesses and deaths are preventable.
Pesticide Comic Books
Safety Guidelines for Hired Adolescent Farm Workers - SaGHAF
Seven guidelines in English and Spanish. Colorful, illustrated poster address supervisor responsibilities for ensuring work conditions are appropriate and adequate . Training and supervision tips, specific to teens and to each job, are provided. Developed by National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety.
Guidelines for Children Working in Agriculture - NAGCAT
Guidelines for parents to match child's growth and development with the requirements of different farm chores in order to lessen the risk of farm related disease or injury in children and teenagers. North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks was developed by the National Children's Center for Rural Agricultural Health and Safety.
Influenza in Workers and Pigs
OSHA facts sheet and guidance for commercial swine farmers and pork producers. Bilingual "quick card" to assist with worker protection.
Mercury in Skin Cream
California Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control has identified several cases of mercury toxicity linked to the use of adulterated, unlabelled face creams in the Latino community.
- CDPH Health Alert Mercury Skin Cream 2010 ( 106 Kb )
- Patient Education MercuryCream Eng Esp 2010 ( 225 Kb )
Reducing the Risks from Pesticides Used in the Home/Reduciendo los Riesgos de los Pesticidas Usados en el Hogar
A bilingual training kit for community health workers to educate families about in home pesticide safety. Includes a step-by-step facilitator guide with handouts and a power point slide slow. Developed by the Center for Environmental Resource Management at UTEP for US-Mexico border residents.
- Pesticide Trainers Guide Eng 2010 ( 665 Kb )
- Pesticida Guia Platica ESP 2010 ( 643 Kb )
- Community Pesticide Presentation ENG 2010 ( 2 Mb )
- Comunidad Pesticida Presentacion ESP 2010 ( 3 Mb )