- Who We Are
- Clinician Employment
- Publications
- Witness to Witness (W2W)
- Kugel & Zuroweste Health Justice Award
- Your Voice Matters: Photovoice Project
Centers for Disease Control
The CDC's Spanish website for women's health. Includes handouts in Spanish that can be printed from the web.
Pesticide and Pregnancy Handout
Pesticide and Pregnancy Handout, English and Spanish, from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
- PesticideandPregnancyHandoutEnglish ( 4 Mb )
- PesticideandPregnancyHandoutSpanish ( 4 Mb )
Pregnancy and the COVID-19 Vaccine - Handout
Zika Virus and Pregnancy
Information from the CDC on the Zika Virus and pregnant women.
Midwife in the UK
Recently in the UK, there has been research supporting midwifery care. Due to this research, the UK has made some policy changes in regards to maternity. Midwifery care has been shown to be more safe for women with uncomplicated pregnancies and because of these new policies, the United States may follow in their footsteps.
- NICEGuidelinesSummary ( 453 Kb )
National Women’s Health Week
National Women’s Health Week is an observance led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health. The goal is to empower women to make their health a priority. National Women’s Health Week also serves as a time to help women understand what it means to be well.
Women and HIV-Worker Education Materials (Fotonovelas)
Dramatic, visual and culturally relevant, fotonovelas are a successful means of communicating health information. The following fotonovela materials are downloadable.
Provided by Farmworker Justice
- Women and HIV-Comadre ( 8 Mb )
- Women and HIV-Light at the Store ( 4 Mb )
- Women and HIV-Married Women Can Get HIV Too ( 4 Mb )
- Women and HIV-Reality ( 3 Mb )
COMIC: Lo Que Bien Empieza… Bien Acaba
MCN Spanish educational comic book that addresses pesticide exposure in women of reproductive age. LO QUE BIEN EMPIEZA...BIEN ACABA: Consejos para las mujeres para prevenir daños a la salud y a sus bebés causados por pesticidas.
- Lo Que Bien Empieza Comic Book ( 17 Mb )
COMIC: ¡Cuídate! A Simple Guide For Preventing Muscle Injuries At Work
¡Cuídate! is a patient education resource aimed at preventing musculoskeletal injuries among farmworkers. The comic book is available in English, Spanish and Creole.
It’s a Simple Test! English and Spanish on Pap Tests
One-page patient education on Pap Tests in English and Spanish from the American Cancer Society.
- PapEnglishSpanish ( 204 Kb )