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Users living in country: U.S.

Mary I. O'Connor's picture

Mary I. O'Connor is an anthropologist who has been conducting research with indigenous Mixtec people in the US and Mexico since 2001. She is currently planning a research project on access to health care by Mixtec migrants in California.

momalley's picture

Interested in agricultural health and safety issues since residency training in Salinas California; currently working as a consultant to California EPA, Department of Pesticide Regulation and frequently deal with health and safety issues affecting migrants.

pwolf's picture

I'm in law school, preparing for becoming a community lawyer. I intend to collaborate with community organizers and take direction from working class and poor communities for the focus of my work. I really appreciate what MCN is doing to address health needs of migrant workers, and I would like to contribute to the meeting of their legal needs.

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