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Ileana Ponce-Gonzalez's picture
Ileana Maria

Ileana Maria Ponce-Gonzalez, MD, MPH, is Senior Advisor for Scientific and Strategic Planning at MCN and a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Washington. She obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Nicaragua, a Clinical Genetics degree at the University of Chile and a Master in Public Health degree at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland. Before joining MCN, Dr. Ponce-Gonzalez worked as a Scientific Review Officer (SRO) for the Division of Scientific Review at the Agency for Health Care Quality Research (AHRQ), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for twelve years. Dr. Ponce-Gonzalez contributed to the missions of NIH and AHRQ by delivering high quality peer review of proposals and grant applications to advance science and medical research in complex areas such as drug development, infectious diseases, clinical research, global infectious diseases, opportunistic disease, preventive medicine, bioinformatics, and health services research. At AHRQ, she was the Designated Federal Officer, managing the peer review of the Health Effectiveness and Outcomes Research (HEOR) Study Section for four years ( Dr. Ponce-Gonzalez also served as the AHRQ spokesperson for the Latino community and she was the face for the national Spanish-language campaigns as Tomas las Riendas de Tu Salud and Conoce las Preguntas. In addition, she participated in the AHRQ-sponsored Hispanic Outreach Project by preparing the public access of the health columns for AHRQ’s Spanish-language webpage. Her activities have effectively contributed to AHRQ efforts in improving health care and health awareness of Latinos. As a Public Health Intern at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Ponce-Gonzalez worked for the National Latina Health Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and strengthening networks of Latino leaders in public health, and building local and national community health partnerships. She addressed the health concerns affecting Latinos and their families by promoting leadership, advocacy, community health partnerships, and initiatives within the Latino communities, and developed public health policy by promoting improvement to medical care services, research, and evaluation of HIV and AIDS health promotion programs. Dr. Ponce-Gonzalez has extensive community and public health systems experience in Nicaragua, Chile, and the United States. Currently , Dr. Ponce-Gonzalez funded the Community Health Worker Coalition for Migrants and Refugees (CHWCMR) a a passionate group of passionate volunteer dedicated to the promotion, empowerment, leadership, continuing education and integration of CHWs into the health care system to improve the quality of life of migrants, mobile poor and refugees:

pwolf's picture

I'm in law school, preparing for becoming a community lawyer. I intend to collaborate with community organizers and take direction from working class and poor communities for the focus of my work. I really appreciate what MCN is doing to address health needs of migrant workers, and I would like to contribute to the meeting of their legal needs.

NWRPCA's picture

Northwest Regional Primary Care Association (NWRPCA), we a non-profit membership association that works to ensure equal access to primary health care for all residents living in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. We support and strengthen community-based health centers as they deliver primary health care to urban, rural and frontier communities throughout the Northwest.

The NWRPCA Clinician Recruitment Program is currently recruiting for clinician positions at our member Community Health Centers for: Physicians (Family Practice, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and OB), Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Dentists, Medical and Dental Directors. We have over 70* open positions in both rural and urban communities, most positions offer paid malpractice insurance, loan repayment options and reasonable work schedules.

We’re hiring dedicated clinicians to work in Community Health Centers throughout communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
Apply on-line today at

gstancliff's picture

I do prevention work at Washington's sexual assault coalition.

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