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National Organization of Social Security Claimant's Representatives - 800.431.2804
Provides referral to private attorney when a Social Security hearing is scheduled. Free or reduced cost legal services available.
Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) - 800.532.5274 or 866.512.3861
The Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) is a national nonprofit organization that provides education, legal counseling, and referrals to cancer patients and survivors concerning managed care, insurance, financial issues, job discrimination, and debt crisis matters.
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Family Alliance
Provides emotional, educational, and practical support to children with cancer and their families in the Houston, TX area
Rx Help for CA
Based on eligibility, you may qualify for discounted perscription drugs. Please visit this web site to determine if you qualify and if your medication is on the list of available drugs.
Hole In The Wall Gang Camp
Founded by Paul Newman, the camp is a residential summer camp with year-round programs located in northeastern Connecticut where children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses do not have to sit on the sidelines.
June/July 2006 Heptalk Listserv Archive
The June /July edition of the HepTalk Listserv will be devoted to Cultural Compentency. We're very pleased to welcome Dr. Jennie McLauren as the Listserv Editor for June 2006.
- junejuly06 ( 35 Kb )
ACIP votes to recommend changes in Varicella Vaccination. June29, 2006
New Mexico hepatitis immunization and testing grid
This tool by the NM state health department is a nice simple grid to use for decisions by risk group on who to immunize for hepatitis A and B and test for hepatitis A, B, and C.
- NMprotocol ( 66 Kb )
Agricultural Health Study
This NIEHS/EPA/NIOSH study is investigating the effects of environmental, occupational, dietary, and genetic factors on the health of the agricultural population. Over 89,000 individuals are participating in the project. This includes private and commercial pesticide applicators as well as the spouses of these applicators.
National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)
1-800-858-7378 or npic@ace.orst.edu
Objective, science-based information about pesticides - written for the non-expert.
Farmworker Justice
Works to empower migrant and seasonal farmworkers to improve their living and working conditions, immigration status, health, occupational safety, and access to justice. Works with farmworkers and their families to reduce and eliminate their exposures to pesticides.
SAGE Minnesota's Cancer Screening Program
The Sage Screening Program is a statewide comprehensive breast and cervical cancer screening program whose primary objective is to increase the proportion of age-appropriate women who are screened for breast and cervical cancer.
May/June 2006 Heptalk Listserv Archive
Two successful adult immunization programs are featured, one in Pennsylvania and one in New York. Each involves cooperation between state and local health departments and community clinics in order to provide immunizations, including Hepatitis A and B, to migrant seasonal farmworkers.
- mayjune06 ( 37 Kb )
Documentation of a positive IPV screen among community hospital clinicians
This two-part study examines primary care clinicians' chart documentation and attitudes when confronted by a positive waiting room screen for intimate partner violence (IPV) and concludes that mandatory waiting room screening for IPV does not result in high levels of referral or safety planning by PCPs.
Cultural Competence Health Practitioner Assessment (CCHPA)
National Center for Cultural Competence has designed the CCHPA to promote cultural competence as an essential approach for practitioners in the elimination of health disparities among racial and ethnic groups.
Love heals; hostility hurts
New research shows that hostile marriages slow recovery from wounds.