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OSHA's Campaign to Prevent Heat Illness in Outdoor Workers

HEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. These illnesses and deaths are preventable.


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Reducing the Risks from Pesticides Used in the Home/Reduciendo los Riesgos de los Pesticidas Usados en el Hogar

A bilingual training kit for community health workers to educate families about in home pesticide safety.  Includes a step-by-step facilitator guide with handouts and a power point slide slow.  Developed by the Center for Environmental Resource Management at UTEP for US-Mexico border residents.


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Safety Guidelines for Hired Adolescent Farm Workers - SaGHAF 

Seven guidelines in English and Spanish. Colorful, illustrated poster address supervisor responsibilities for ensuring work conditions are appropriate and adequate . Training and supervision tips, specific to teens and to each job, are provided. Developed by National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety.


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WEBINAR | After the Storm: Lessons Learned on Worker Health & Safety During Storm Disaster Cleanup

MCN webinar - after the storm worker safety and health

DATE: September 27, 2017, 1 pm (ET)


  • Joseph “Chip” Hughes, Jr., MPH, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA, Migrant Clinicians Network
  • Juliana Simmons, MSPH, CHES, Migrant Clinicians Network



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WEBINAR | Breathing Easy: Examining Asthma at Work

MCN Webinar Examining Asthma at Work


DATE RECORDED: September 14, 2016 at 1 pm ET

PRESENTED BY: Robert Harrison, M.D., M.P.H.



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WEBINAR | Breathing Easy: Examining Asthma at Work

MCN Webinar Examining Asthma at Work


DATE RECORDED: September 14, 2016 at 1 pm ET

PRESENTED BY: Robert Harrison, M.D., M.P.H.


  • Recorded Webinar
  • Participant Evaluation
  • Presentation Slides (PDF)



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WEBINAR | Community Health Workers Can Make a Difference in Helping People Stay Safe and Healthy on the Job



DATE RECORDED: August 17, 2016 at 1 pm ET

PRESENTED BY: Amy Liebman, MPA, MA and Wilson Augustave, member of MCN’s Board of Directors and Senior HIV Case Manager at Finger Lakes Community Health



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WEBINAR | Después de la tormenta: Lecciones Aprendidas sobre la Salud y Seguridad de los Trabajadores en las Actividades de Limpieza y Recuperación después de un Desastre Natural

MCN Webinar Despues de la tormenta - salud y seguridad de los trabajadores

FECHA: 11 de Octubre de 2017 @ 1 PM (ET)


  • Alma R. Galván, MHC, Migrant Clinicians Network
  • Richard Rabin, MassCOSH
  • Rossana Coto-Batres, MSW, Northeast New York Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (NENYCOSH)


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