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The National Board of Certification of Medical Interpreters



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The Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Guide for Community & Faith-based Organizations & Leaders

From Health Reources and Services Administration this resource is available in Spanish and english. In an accessible, easy-to-read format, the Seasonal Flu guide provides: flu facts; every day prevention steps; and ways that community leaders can contribute to the flu prevention effort. This guide is an important fight the flu resource for our Spanish-speaking community and faith-based partners.



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Tips for Working with Health Care Interpreters

Simple 2-pages of tips for providers working with health care interpreters both trained and untrained.



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Tos ferina - Whooping Cough: lo que debe saber

Este recurso del CDC ofrece una visión general de la tos ferina , también conocida como Whooping Cough. Los temas incluyen síntomas , propagación, la tos ferina en los EE.UU. y las medidas de prevención.

This resources provides an overview of Pertussis, also known as the Whooping Cough. Topics include symptoms, how its spread, Pertussis in the US and prevention measures.


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Translating Health Care

Translating Health Care is a video by the New York Times. It illustrates how Minneapolis has taken in waves of immigrants with distinctive patterns of beliefs about health. Other topics covered include: cultural competency, health translation, interpreters, immigrant health care, culturaly sensitive healthcare, and challenges for the healthcare worker.


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UCLA Language Materials Project

The Language Materials Project works to provide a variety of materials, such as dictionaries, phrasebooks,grammars, and cultural materials. Currently, thewebsite only provides materials in one indigenous language (Nahuatl), but the project continually updates the language profiles, so additional languages may be added at a later date.


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Western NC Workers Center Indigenous Language Strategies

Western NC Workers Center:  Located in Morganton, North Carolina, the Western NC Workers Center is a non-profit group of community organizers.  This organization currently has a number of outreach and education projects which work to uphold the rights of immigrant and low wage employees in Western North Carolina.  They also work with high levels of Guatemalan immigrants who speak indigenous languages.  One of their projects designed to reach indigenous language speakers is their Promotora Education project, which uses scenario

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