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Migrant Health Referral Directory
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November 2004 HepTalk Listserv Archive
In our first bulletin, we offer an annotated list of key hepatitis websites. If any of these links are not working, you can copy and paste them directly into your search engine.
- November 2004 HepTalk Listserv ( 99 Kb )
November 2005 Heptalk Listserv Archive
"Substance Use and Migrant Labor, Part One" The number of substances reported “ever used†by 127 farm workers in a study conducted in three southern states (Inscription in Drug Use among Farm Workers) ranged from one (17 persons) to ten/more (6 persons)
- nov05 ( 57 Kb )
November 2006 Heptalk Listserv Archive
1. Review 2. Review 3. Hep Transmission Hot Spots 4. Hep Transmission Hot Spots
- november06 ( 64 Kb )
November/December 2007 Heptalk Listserv Archive
Includes an article about the screening of people from countries where Hep B is endemic. The second part offers resources for clients from Central America who speak languages other than Spanish, such as the indigenous Mixteco. Though the study was completed in Eastern North Carolina, the resource list presented is national in scope and very broad.
- 07 nov dec ( 46 Kb )
October 2005 Heptalk Listserv Archive
In this edition, we offer resources and information about water and sanitation issues. Fecal-to-oral transmission, via contaminated water, food, or other objects, is the principal means of spreading HAV, the virus that causes Hepatitis A.
- Oct 05 ( 93 Kb )
October 2006 Heptalk Listserv Archive
The October issue of the Heptalk Listerv covers: 1. “Incorporating Sexual Risk Assessment in Routine Visits for Gay and Bisexual Men†Though targeted towards a narrower population, is applicable in most routine visit situations. Also includes some good specific questioning techniques. 2. Sexual History Taking. A complete module, in pdf form from the New England National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers, using 4 case studies. It reads easily and quickly and has many good suggestions.
- october06 ( 98 Kb )