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MCN: A Basic Guide to Healthy Foods SPA/ENG
Created by Migrant Clinicians Network Diabetes Program Funding provided by the Diabetes Program, Texas Department of Health. This is a brochure which explains which foods are healthy and unhealthy while traveling. A dietary guide in english and spanish. Eat these foods in the right amounts, at the right times of the day. Don’t skip meals and don’t eat too much! Available in Spanish and English.
- BasicGuideHealthyFoods ( 92 Kb )
- BasicGuideHealthyFoods ( 715 Kb )
MCN Nutrition Small Changes SPA/ENG
Small changes in what you eat can go a long way! Here are some suggestions of changes you can make and why they are healthier. Start by making one change a day and then add more changes at your own pace. Available in both Spanish and English.
- mcnsmallchanges09 engspan ( 294 Kb )
MCN A1c Patient Education Tool SPA/ENG
Bilingual tool to educate patients about blood glucose management and the A1c test. It has a visual illustration of A1c levels categorized as "danger", "caution" and "success!" as well as pictorial representations of body parts that can be damaged by high glucose levels and a space for outlining self management goals. Available in Spanish and English.
- MCNA1cHandout09 ( 611 Kb )
Nutrition Terms SPA/ENG
Translation guide for basic nutritional terms. Available in Spanish and English.
- nutrition terms ( 7 Kb )