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MCN Daily Footcare Flyer for Diabetics SPA/ENG/RUS/VIET
Diabetic footcare flyer available in Spanish, English, Russian, and Vietnamese.
- DailyFootCareColorEngSpn06 ( 269 Kb )
- Daily Foot Care Russian ( 235 Kb )
- Daily Foot Care Vietnamese ( 230 Kb )
La Prueba de A1c SPA/ENG
Ascencia Healthcare brochure on A1c testing in English and Spanish.
- brochure sp a1c basic info ( 304 Kb )
- brochure a1c basic info ( 248 Kb )
If You Have Diabetes Know Your Blood Sugar Levels ENG
Basic A1c information from the National Diabetes Education Program.
- brochure a1c information ( 70 Kb )
Your Hemoglobin A1c: Know Your Number
A visual tool to use with patients to evaluate A1c results.
- pres a1c stoplight eng ( 11 Kb )
- pres a1c stoplight span ( 12 Kb )
What's Your Number? A1C SPA/ENG
Basic A1C information for patients from BD Consumer Healthcare. Available in Spanish and English.
- brochure a1c basic info bd ( 1 Mb )
- brochure sp a1c basi 13108A ( 1 Mb )
American Diabetes Month
There are 23.6 million children and adults in the United States, or 7.8% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 17.9 million have been diagnosed with diabetes, unfortunately, 5.7 million people (or nearly one quarter) are unaware that they have the disease. Help bring awareness to diabetes, prevention, research, and diabetes control.
For information specific to the migrant and underserved populations, visit MCN's Diabetes page.
American Diabetes Alert Day
The American Diabetes Alert Day is a one-day, “wake-up” call to inform the American public about the seriousness of diabetes. The American Diabetes Association encourages people to take the Diabetes Risk Test and find out if they are at risk for developing diabetes.