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Rotavirus: Lo que usted debe saber
En Febrero de 2006, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomendaron una nueva vacuna para proteger a los lactantes contra el rotavirus. El rotavirus provoca fiebre alta, vómitos y diarrea persistentesennios pequeños, normalmente durante el invierno en los Estados Unidos.
- FAQRotavirusSpanish ( 102 Kb )
HPV: What you should know
Answers to frequently asked questions about the diseases caused by human papillomavirus infections. Also present information about the recently licenced human papillomavirus(HPV) vaccines.
- FAQHPV122006 ( 146 Kb )
Tdap: What you should know
Answers to frequently asked questions about the diseases caused by tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis infections. The sheet also present information about the recently licensed tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)vaccines.
- FAQTdaP122006 ( 152 Kb )
Timerosal: Lo que usted debe saber
A algunos padres les preocupa que el timerosal, un conservante que contienemercurio y se encuentra en la vacuna contra la gripe, provoque autismo. Sin embargo, durante los útimos años, una serie de estudios biolígicos y epidemiolígicoshan demostrado que esta preocupación no tiene fundamento. A continuación sepresenta un resumen de la evidencia que demuestra que, aunque algunas cosas sí causan autismo, el mercurio de las vacunas no es una de ellas.
- vec thimerosal esp ( 127 Kb )
Immunizations for babies . . . a guide for parents: These are the vaccinations your baby needs! Updated June 2006
- VacunasBebes062006 ( 46 Kb )
- ImmxBabies062006 ( 36 Kb )
When do children and teens need vaccinations? Updated June 2006
- Children TeensVac062006 ( 67 Kb )
- VacunasNinos Adolesc062006 ( 87 Kb )
Every day, teens are infected with hepatitis B virus: Be sure you're vaccinated against this disease. Updated June 2006.
- HepBinTeens062006 ( 62 Kb )
Pepin Comic: Chickenpox, Spanish/English
The Pepin Comic Book series covers seven immunization topics: Td, Chickenpox, MMR, DTaP, Hep A, Hep B, and After the Shot. These low literate, popular education materials are available in English and Spanish to help clinicians educate parents about the importance of getting their children vaccinated.
- ChickenpoxSpan125 ( 5 Mb )
- ChickenpoxEng125 ( 5 Mb )
Pepin Comic: DTaP, Spanish/English
The Pepin Comic Book series covers seven immunization topics: Td, Chickenpox, MMR, DTaP, Hep A, Hep B, and After the Shot. These low literate, popular education materials are available in English and Spanish to help clinicians educate parents about the importance of getting their children vaccinated.
- DTaP span125 ( 4 Mb )
- DTaP eng125 ( 4 Mb )