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Environmental and Occupational Health

MCN Comic: Working with farm animals: Keeping Yourself, Your Family, and Your Community Healthy


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MCN COMIC: Working with Farm Animals: Keeping Yourself, Your Family, and Your Community Healthy

mcn comic book working with farm animals

Bilingual educational comic book about ways to prevent zoonotic diseases. Developed by MCN in partnership with The Ohio State University.


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EOH Bookmark

Print, cut, and distribute this handy bookmark to providers who treat migrant and seasonal farmworker patients. The bookmark includes links and a qr code to connect you to pesticide - related clinical tools and resources. In addition, we've included some useful phone numbers in case of a pesticide emergency.

You can also use the bookmark to keep handy the Health Network phone number to be sure your patients on the move remain in care.



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Cholinesterase (ChE) Testing Protocols and Algorithm for Healthcare Providers

These Cholinesterase (ChE) clinical tools provide a concise and simple format to guide clinicians in monitoring the ChE levels for patients working with Class I and Class II organophosphates (OP) or OP and N-methyl-carbamates. 


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MCN's Lead Guidelines for Primary Care Providers Caring for Migrant Children


Clinicial guidelines dealing with children and lead exposure.  Special emphasis on working with migrant children. 


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WEBINAR | It's Your Right to Know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety on the Job - April 2019

MCN webinar It’s your right to know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety on the Job

DATE: April 11, 2019, 1 pm (ET)

SPEAKERS: Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA  |  Alma R Galvan, MHC  |  Jose Rodriguez, MD  |  Katherine Kruse, BA



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WEBINAR | It's Your Right to Know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety on the Job (12/13/17)

MCN webinar It’s your right to know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety on the Job

DATE: December 13, 2017, 1 pm (ET)

SPEAKERS: Juliana Simmons, MSPH, CHES and Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA



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MassCOSH: Addressing Work-related Injuries and Illnesses: A Guide for Primary Care Providers in Massachusetts

Offers basic screening questions, common occupations and ailments associated with them, as well as recommended treatment. Also includes sample letters from clinicians to employers for restricted work.


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WEBINAR | After the Storm: Lessons Learned on Worker Health & Safety During Storm Disaster Cleanup

MCN webinar - after the storm worker safety and health

DATE: September 27, 2017, 1 pm (ET)


  • Joseph “Chip” Hughes, Jr., MPH, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA, Migrant Clinicians Network
  • Juliana Simmons, MSPH, CHES, Migrant Clinicians Network



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WEBINAR | It’s your right to know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety on the Job (5-24-2017)

MCN webinar It’s your right to know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety on the Job

DATE: May 24, 2017, 1 pm (ET)

SPEAKERS: Juliana Simmons, MSPH, CHES


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