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Health & Safety Regulations

In the Field: MCN and Rebirth Inc Team Up for Training of Trainers Workshop

Training of Trainers with Rebirth inc


Over the weekend, MCN continued their project “Filling the Gap in Worker Training: Capacity Building for Occupational Safety and Health” by holding a Training of Trainers workshop for Rebirth, Inc in Salisbury, Maryland, which is home to MCN’s Eastern Region Office.

MCN's New Worker Safety Project Serves the Haitian Community

Farmworker harvests apples

(Photo by Earl Dotter)

Programa de salud y seguridad de los trabajadores: la Policlínica Castañer en Jayuya


Jayuya Outreach Team


Pesticide Poisoning in Monterey: 17 Sick Workers, No Violations

Farmworker girl coughs into hands

"I began crying because I couldn't breath and my vision was blurred," one unidentified worker said.

Farmworker has face covered for pesticide

"I had a severe headache, nausea, sore throat and numb feet," another employee said.


Programa de salud y seguridad de los trabajadores Hospital General Castañer

MCN Outreach Workers


Trabajadoras comunitarias entrenan sobre como protegerse de los químicos en Adjuntas, Puerto Rico.

MCN Outreach Workers


New Research: Dairy Farm Owners Mobilized to Reduce Hazards


Farmworkers deserve protection from pesticides: Defend important regulations and take part in National Farmworker Awareness Week #NFAW2018


Multifaceted, Overlapping, Critical to Understand: The Spheres of Influence Affecting Agricultural Worker Health and Safety

Journal of Agromedicine Socio-ecological approaches for improving agricultural safety and health


Mourning the Dead, Fighting for the Living: Workers’ Memorial Day

Workers in the field at sunset


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