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How do you assure continuity of care to a patient who is never sure where or when the next move is going to happen?
Health Network has the answer...
Health Network ensures continuity of care and treatment completion by providing comprehensive case management, medical records transfer, and follow-up services for mobile patients. As rapid travel and ease of mobility make it possible to arrive anywhere in the world in a matter of hours and as shifting economic conditions require individuals and families to move in order to stay employed, Health Network has proven to be an easily modifiable patient navigation system with application in disease surveillance and treatment management for any number of injuries, illnesses, or care needs among mobile populations. Independent research on tuberculosis treatment has found that Health Network is highly cost effective.
“Health Network is a must for all of our diabetic patients, people with tuberculosis, our prenatal patients, and anyone we screen for cancer. In the past, we would have put off doing a mammogram for a woman we knew would be traveling soon, but since the advent of Health Network, we know that we will be able to find the patient and get her in care if necessary.” -- Carolyn Davis, Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services, Inc. in South Carolina
“The help from Health Network was all I had; I don’t know, honestly, what I would have done without it.” -- Health Network prenatal patient
Health Network Enrollment
If your patient moves, Health Network staff will contact the patient to assist them with locating a health center in their new area, and, if necessary, assist with scheduling an appointment for the patient. Medical records will be transferred, gathered as a result of that follow-up, and forwarded back to the enrolling clinic. Health Network is also a great tool for establishing a patient-centered medical home.Enrollment is free and must be initiated by the clinic. A patient cannot enroll him/herself.
The 3 things required for enrollment are:
PARTICIPANT INFORMATION SHEET section (including the patient’s working phone number(s) and intended address)
Medical records and/or summary of next steps
Enrollment is free and must be initiated by the clinic. Patient cannot enroll themselves.The 3 things required for enrollment are:
+ PARTICIPANT INFORMATION SHEET section (including the patient’s working phone number(s) and intended address)
+ Medical records and/or summary of next steps
Enroll in Health Network Here