- Who We Are
- Clinician Employment
- Publications
- Witness to Witness (W2W)
- El Premio Kugel & Zuroweste a la Justicia en la Salud
- Your Voice Matters: Photovoice Project
The National Health Centers Directory
The National Health Centers Directory offers a listing of Health Centers available across the country. This tool has been widely used by clinicians everywhere to locate facilities across the United States where their patients could receive and continue treatment. Click on any state below to see a listing of the Health Center available in that area.
MCN Clinics
- Washington
- Oregon
- California
- Idaho
- Montana
- Nevada
- Utah
- Arizona
- Wyoming
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Colorado
- New Mexico
- Texas
- Nebraska
- Kansas
- Oklahoma
- Minnesota
- Iowa
- Missouri
- Arkansas
- Wisconsin
- Illinois
- Michigan
- Indiana
- Ohio
- Kentucky
- Tennessee
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Alabama
- Florida
- Georgia
- South Carolina
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Pennsylvania
- Maryland
- Delaware
- New Jersey
- Massachusetts
- Rhode Island
- Connecticut
- New York
- Vermont
- New Hampshire
- Maine
- Alaska
- Hawaii
- Puerto Rico
Health Care Services to All
Hope Clinic is an example Federally Qualified Health Center providing health care to Houston's underserved in a culturally and linguistically appropriate way.
Hope Clinic 2012 from Cosmic Light Productions on Vimeo.