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Social Justice

Five on Friday | June 5, 2015

MCN Five on FridayThe first weekend in June has arrived! Our top five links from MCN staff for the week are all over the map; we’ve included a bit of everything, from new migration flow data to the Pope. Which of these pieces got you thinking? Which will impact your work? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

Radiologic Approach | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

MNC Tammy Blackman [Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

Five on Friday | May 29, 2015

MCN Five on FridayAs we approach the end of May, we know that many health centers’ migrant programs are kicking into full gear. Perhaps you need a moment’s rest after a busy week? Or maybe you would like to catch up on the goings-on in the world of health justice for mobile populations? Check out the top five suggested readings from our staff at MCN. 

Engagement | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

MNC Rebecca Bixby [Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

It’s Every Child | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

MNC Marsha Griffin [Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

Serving the Community | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

MNC Salvador Sandoval [Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

Delivering Babies… And Much More | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

MNC Barb Boehler [Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

Lifetime of Migrant Farmworker Experience | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

MNC Wilson Augustave [Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

Care in the Black Dirt Region | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

MNC Kathy Brieger [Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

Protecting Vulnerable Workers | 30 Days, 30 Clinicians

MNC Matt Keifer [Editor’s Note: Happy Birthday, Migrant Clinicians Network! To celebrate our 30th anniversary this month, we are highlighting one clinician each day who has been honored in 30 Clinicians Making a Difference​​​, in which we profile the work of 30 diverse migrant clinicians from across the country and abroad.]

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