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Social Justice

What Primary Care Means: Notes from Amy K. Liebman on the Patient Perspective

We’re not blaming the elderly. We’re not blaming healthcare workers. So why do we accuse essential workers for being sickened and killed by COVID-19?

Meat processing plant workers

By Amy K. Liebman, MPA 
Director of Environmental and Occupational Health, Migrant Clinicians Network, Salisbury, MD 

Justicia en salud 2020

Declaración de posición de MCN: detengamos la retórica racista sobre los trabajadores; y aumentemos las protecciones durante la emergencia

Trauma, Mental Health, and COVID-19: Giving Tuesday Offers Support for Frontline Clinicians

Take Action: Rescind Order to Halt Asylum Processes

Next Steps: Keeping Essential Workers Essential, After the Pandemic

A construction worker wearing protective equipment
Photo: (c) 

Streamline: #MeToo in the Fields: New Video and Curriculum to Eliminate Agricultural Worker Sexual Harassment

CSM went door-to-door checking on their patients after Hurricane Maria.

Cast and crew of training video filming. Yakima, WA | September 2019

Cómo MCN construyó soluciones prácticas en 2019: nuestro año en revisión

Camp Fire Response and Recovery: A Snapshot of Community Providers’ Perspectives

MCN's Jessica Candela working with Molly Jolliff on the webinar for providers of support for Camp Fire survivors
MCN's Jessica Candela working with Molly Jolliff on a webinar for those who provide support or services to Camp Fire survivors.

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