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Clinician-to-Clinician: A Forum for Health Justice

MCN’s Liebman and Dr. Madaras: Health Disparities, Barriers Increase Farmworkers
By: MCN Administration, Oct. 22, 2020
 On Tuesday, two staff members from Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) presented to the National Advisory Council on Migrant Health (NACMH) on farmworker health in the midst of the pandemic. The day marked the first of a four-day virtual series for NACMH’s October 2020 meeting. Amy Liebman, MPA, MA, MCN’s Director of Environmental and Occupational Health, and Laszlo Madaras, MD, MPH, SFHM, MCN... Read More
Fortalecimiento de capacidades en salud ocupacional: Campesinos sin Fronteras y
By: MCN Admin, Oct. 21, 2020
Por Rose Guerra, Betsabe Ruiz and Idolina Castro[Nota de la editora: Como parte de nuestra celebración del Mes de la Salud Binacional, presentamos esta publicación de Campesinos Sin Fronteras y la Ventanilla de Salud en Yuma, Arizona.  Aprenda más sobre Campesinos Sin Fronteras aquí. Visite el sistema de Ventanillas de Salud, un proyecto del gobierno de México a través de los consulados... Read More
BHW XX, 20 años de hermandad, salud binacional
By: Roxana Pineda, Oct. 19, 2020
Por L. Roxana Pineda, MPH, Coordinadora de la Ventanilla de Salud, Consulado General de México en Austin, Migrant Clinicians NetworkComo cada año, a finales del mes de septiembre, inauguramos la celebración de la semana binacional de salud, que tiene como finalidad conectar a la comunidad hispana con las diferentes agencias e instituciones que brindan servicios de salud,... Read More
Five on Friday: Who Will Receive the Vaccine First?
By: MCN Admin, Oct. 16, 2020
It’s Friday – time for our weekly rundown of recommended resources, opinions, journal articles, and more from Migrant Clinicians Network staff:  Kaethe recommended the Brown Alpert Medical School’s new app to determine the COVID-19 risk level for a given activity, available at forwarded on the new video from the International Organization for Migration’s... Read More
New Article Explores Vaccine Hesitancy Among Mexican Males Ahead of COVID-19 Vac
By: MCN Admin, Oct. 14, 2020
A health fair attendee receives an immunization at the Mexican Consulate in Austin, Texas. The COVID-19 vaccine may not be ready for initial distribution for many months, but health authorities have begun to prepare for it. In many communities, obstacles and aversion to immunization may increase already-existing disparities in vaccine provision. In a new article, published in the Hispanic... Read More
Wildfires and COVID-19: When Disasters Overlap, Agricultural Workers Struggle
By: MCN Admin, Oct. 13, 2020
Photo: United Farm Workers For almost two months, wildfires have suffocated the Northern California sky. A dry mid-August lightning storm ignited thousands of fires, many of which grew rapidly in the dry late summer undergrowth of forests across the state. By early October, over four million acres had burned in California alone. In some communities, the skies were grey-orange for days on end... Read More
Five on Friday: State Protections Needed for Farmworkers
By: MCN Admin, Oct. 9, 2020
It can be a challenge to select just five pieces to highlight each week, particularly with the speed of the news cycle these days. Here are some of the articles that we bet you haven’t seen yet this week -- and we think you’ll enjoy them and maybe find them useful in your own work in health justice. Pull up a chair, grab some tea, and dive into this week’s Five on Friday: Amy said, "This is... Read More
Preparación para el otoño: el importante trabajo de mantener a los pacientes al
By: Laszlo Madaras, Oct. 7, 2020
Por Laszlo Madaras, MD, MPHEn el momento más álgido de un aumento de COVID-19 en mi hospital, cuando mi comunidad fue catalogada en las noticias nacionales como un lugar de alta propagación, un hombre de unos 40 años presentó fiebre, malestar y un sarpullido. No tenía tos, pero sabiendo que la COVID-19 tiene una diversidad de manifestaciones y viendo los síntomas similares a los de la... Read More
Esencial: proteger a los trabajadores agrícolas del humo de los incendios forest
By: MCN Admin, Oct. 7, 2020
Esta semana, cuando los incendios ardían en California, ennegreciendo los cielos y lloviendo ceniza en los cultivos maduros, la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de California (CalOSHA, por sus siglas en inglés) recordó a los empleadores la normatividad de California para proteger a los trabajadores agrícolas y a otros trabajadores que laboran en exteriores sobre el aire nocivo del... Read More
How Witness to Witness Is Helping Health Care Workers, Parents, and Others Addre
By: Kaethe Weingarten, Oct. 7, 2020
[Editor’s Note: Witness to Witness continues to provide remarkable resources to help us cope with our emotional responses to the pandemic – and the many other stressors in our lives. Sign up for updates on the Witness to Witness webpage to hear about upcoming webinars, new resources, and other updates from Dr. Weingarten.]Although it may feel like the Coronavirus has been with us forever, in fact... Read More
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