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Clinician-to-Clinician: A Forum for Health Justice

Giving Thanks, Building Better Worlds: MCN Reflects on Thanksgiving
By: MCN Admin, Nov. 23, 2021
As we gather around the dinner table to give thanks and share a meal, many of us will be missing the presence of a loved one who has passed, who is too sick to join at the table, who is too far away to be able to join us. This is particularly true among migrant and immigrant families. Across the country, COVID-19 has devastated migrant and immigrant communities unequally. Their dangerous and... Read More
Five on Friday: Mental Health and Our Changing Climate
By: MCN Admin, Nov. 19, 2021
It’s Black Friday! We love the movements to ditch the consumerism and focus on health, instead, like the #OptOutside movement started by retailer REI. (We know, ironic.) Why not take a local hike? Before you grab your hiking boots, though, have a look at five resources or news pieces that we shared at MCN for our weekly Five on Friday post.Claire shared a new report from the American... Read More
How to De-Escalate a Tense Interaction
By: Kaethe Weingarten, Nov. 18, 2021
[Editor’s Note: The Fall 2021 issue of Streamline is now arriving at mailboxes – yes, those physical boxes that receive paper – across the country! You can read the entire issue, which features articles on climate change, marginalized worker health, farmworker mental health, and more, here. Here’s one of the articles from this issue, edited for the MCN blog. Watch our social media in the coming... Read More
Organización destacada: La Asociación de Agricultores Afrodescendientes de Kansa
By: Robert Kinnaird, Nov. 15, 2021
[Nota del editor: Alianza Nacional de Campesinas (Alianza), La Red de Proveedores de Servicios de Salud para Migrantes (MCN), La Coalición Rural (CR) y 20 organizaciones colaboradoras y miembros han movilizado a 221 promotores de salud comunitarios a través de 20 estados y Puerto Rico desde julio de 2021 para promover la vacunación en comunidades rurales afrodescendientes, indígenas y de personas... Read More
Five on Friday: Community Health Literacy
By: MCN Admin, Nov. 12, 2021
 Myrellis and Ashley-Michelle shared an article on a controversial community-led movement against sexual violence in Puerto Rico, highlighting the sexual violence crisis with which Puerto Ricans are grappling: ¿Has Visto la Lista? An Instagram account called Yo Te Creo started naming alleged abusers in Puerto Rico. Did it go too far?Alma forwarded on the CDC’s announcement of a new resource... Read More
One-On-One Encounters: The Toughest Hurdle in COVID-19 Vaccine Advocacy
By: MCN Administration, Nov. 10, 2021
[Editor’s Note: On October 21, 2021, Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) hosted a webinar, ‘Lessons from the Field: Vaccinating Our Immigrant and Migrant Communities', which was supported by funding from the CDC through the National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM). Experts from across the US shared their experiences working to vaccinate vulnerable communities.... Read More
Five on Friday: Emergency Temporary Standard to Protect Workers from COVID-19
By: MCN Admin, Nov. 5, 2021
 Karen shared this alarming CNN article that makes projections based on the present spike in cases in many parts of Europe. Europe Facing 500,000 More COVID Deaths by February, WHO WarnsKaethe offered a Guardian report that some Health Network Associates have noted is reflective of their work with migrants and refugees at the border. ‘So Many Have Gone’: Storms and Drought Drive Guatemalans... Read More
Marysel Pagán Santana de MCN: dedicada a servir a los trabajadores afectados por
By: MCN Admin, Nov. 2, 2021
La semana pasada, 140 personas de todo el país se sumaron a una reunión virtual de la Asociación Americana de Salud Pública (APHA, por sus siglas en inglés) para homenajear a los promotores de la salud y la seguridad de los trabajadores. Y nosotros, en MCN, vimos con emoción cómo Marysel Pagán Santana --quien tiene un doctorado en salud pública, una maestría en ciencias de la salud y es la... Read More
¿Embarazada? Vacúnese inmediatamente, dice CDC con nuevos datos en mano
By: MCN Admin, Nov. 2, 2021
La semana pasada, tres mujeres embarazadas con COVID severo ingresaron en un hospital rural de Pensilvania. Dos de ellas requirieron entubación y ventilación, y fueron trasladadas rápidamente a la UCI. Estas pacientes fueron evaluadas primero en urgencias por el grupo de médicos hospitalistas, entre los que se encuentra el doctor Laszlo Madaras, hospitalista y director médico de la Red de... Read More
¿Incluir el alias? ¿Omitir el nombre real? Recomendaciones para la tarjeta de va
By: Robert Kinnaird, Nov. 1, 2021
Los nombres pueden ser algo complejo para los trabajadores inmigrantes y migrantes. Estos trabajadores a menudo deben utilizar un seudónimo o alias en los lugares de trabajo, ya que pueden carecer de documentación para trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos con su nombre de nacimiento. Si bien esta práctica puede acarrear beneficios a corto plazo para los trabajadores, también puede crear... Read More
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