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Five on Friday | February 5, 2016

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MCNHooray for Friday! Here’s something to bring with you into the weekend: this week’s news and notes, from MCN staff, on migrant health and beyond. Be sure to sign up for our blog to receive updates in your inbox.

1. Karen, CEO: American Journal of Nursing recognized the textbook Global Health Nursing: Narratives from the Field in their Book of the Year Awards. Congratulations to MCN’s Candace, Specialist in Women’s Health, who contributed a chapter on US migrant health as global health.  

2. Juliana, Environmental and Occupational Health Manager, in case you missed it: “Flint is demanding ID and a social security number before you can receive clean water.”

3. Amy, Director of Environmental and Occupational Health, offered this article called “Amputations at Tyson Foods.” She emphasized that immigrants are an important source of labor for this industry.

4. Candace: “HHS has some good resources for clinicians and healthcare settings about identifying trafficking victims, including a poster that highlights farmworkers. Resources are in several languages.”

5. Alma, Health Network Associate, is following the Zika virus news closely. She is one of three MCNers expecting a baby this year, so she is particularly empathetic with the fears and struggles of pregnant women living in Zika hot zones.

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