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In Memoriam: Charles Van Der Horst, MD

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Charles Van Der Horst, MD

Migrant Clinicians Network mourns the passing of Charles Van Der Horst, MD, a fierce advocate for health access, a prominent HIV/AIDS researcher, and emeritus professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


Charles Van Der Horst, MD

[ Charles Van Der Horst, MD was arrested for civil disobedience in protest of the General Assembly's refusal to accept Medicaid expansion in North Carolina.]

“Smart and funny, Charlie was deadly serious about public health and the assault on the poor,” recalled Deliana Garcia, MCN’s Director of International Projects and Emerging Issues.


Deliana Garcia speaks with Charles Van Der Horst

[ Deliana Garcia speaking on a panel with Charles Van Der Horst.]

Garcia first met Dr. Van Der Horst at the Conference on World Affairs at Colorado University, Boulder, where they were both featured as panelists and speakers. Dr. Van Der Horst most recently worked with Garcia during this year’s conference, where both were panelists for “Vaccines: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Everyone.” The duo were vocal supporters for vaccines in the face of anti-vaccine protesters.

“The warmth of Charlie’s sun reached everyone who knew and worked with him. He did everything with such ferocity: his work, his advocacy, but also his mentoring of students and his championing of colleagues,” Garcia stated. “The sheer power of Charlie's presence made me feel bolder and I am heartbroken that he is gone.”

The family requests that in lieu of flowers, supporters “make a donation in Charlie’s honor to the progressive cause of your choice.”



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