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Five on Friday: Coping With COVID-19 and the Holidays

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Five on Friday: Coping With COVID-19 and the Holidays

This week’s Five on Friday continues our efforts to support frontline clinicians who are serving immigrant and migrant communities, by sharing some of the most useful articles and resources that we gathered this week. Here they are, recommended by MCN staff: 


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Roxana found these “Six Mindfulness Activities Specific to Coping with COVID-19 and the Holidays” to be helpful. 

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Candace sent the American College of Nurse-Midwives' new practice advisory, “Vaccinating Pregnant and Lactating Patients Against COVID-19.”

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sign asking people wear masks

Kaethe forwarded a (for some disheartening) New York Times article, “Here’s Why Vaccinated People Still Need to Wear a Mask.”

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Amy sent along the newly released 2019 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, which uncovered that Hispanic/Latinx worker fatalities were up 13 percent in 2019, a new high not seen since 1992. 

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The radio show hosts wearing facemasks

Weekly Win: Obviously, the release of the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine was a huge win this week, so we offer up a less-reported, smaller win: a new radio station in Oakland, California providing programming in the indigenous Mam language. Amy offered, “Radio B’alam is ready to serve Oakland’s immigrant Mam community.” It’s great to see more and more resources for indigenous languages spreading across the nation.  



Have a safe and healthy weekend.

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