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Five on Friday: Overcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

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Five on Friday: Overcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

Friday is here again! MCN staff is hard at work to address health inequities among migrant, immigrant, and underserved populations. To that end, we share articles of interest among ourselves, and engage in conversation on the latest research and news. Here are a few pieces that we shared this week, that we wanted to offer to you as well. 


A mother lying face down

Kaethe was one of several folks who shared parts of the New York Times’ series on working mothers during COVID-19. Instead of “burnout,” W2W has advocated for the more specific “moral distress” and “moral injury” --  and both terms are used in this article, “How Society Has Turned Its Back on Mothers.” Kaethe says, “although some nuances are lost, the more circulation the term gets, the more evolved the discourse will be, moving from individual level descriptions to systemic understandings.”

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A father holding his son

Also along the lines of word choice, Del shared this illuminating article on how to use language to be more inclusive: “No Need to Wait for Congress to Begin Using Humanizing Language in the Immigration Space.”

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A man receives a vaccination from a clinician

It’s not 2021 if one of our Five on Friday choices isn’t COVID vaccine-related. Kaethe sent along, “Seeing Others Vaccinated May Be The Best Cure For Vaccine Hesitancy.” While knowing someone who got vaccinated is key, so is outreach to those most at risk, the article adds.

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Cars in traffic

Claire offered up, “Fossil Fuel Pollution Causes One in Five Premature Deaths Globally: Study,” and wondered what the cumulative effect of fossil fuels is on health, when climate chaos – wildfires, unprecedented heat waves, more intense and frequent hurricanes – is also factored in. 

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flowers on a grave

Double Weekly Win: Here’s one to share with your community and outreach teams: Ashley-Michelle forwarded, “FEMA Plans to Reimburse Families Up to $7000 for COVID-Related Funeral Costs,” as part of a reply-all conversation around this new federal relief for low-income families.


An essential worker receives COVID-19 vaccine

Amy shared more good news out of California: “Coachella OKs Controversial 'Hero Pay' for Farmworkers, Other Essential Workers.”



Have a safe and healthy weekend.

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