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Five on Friday: Health Care Workers Need Our Support

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Five on Friday: Health Care Workers Need Our Support

Time to round up five articles or resources that MCN staff shared. Here are our picks for the week.


A taxi driver wearing a mask

Del shared this New York Times piece, which may be helpful when providing information to migrants who travel by car: “How to (Literally) Drive the Coronavirus Away.”

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A clinician in the hall of hospital

Kaethe said: "This is a poignant article about the impact on family members of having a loved one who is a health care worker. We have read a great deal about the fear that health care workers have of bringing COVID home.  This describes the range of feelings children — and others – have.” “‘Dad, Are You Going to Die?’: Bay Area COVID Health Care Workers Face Fear at Home.”   

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A nurse sings at Covid-19 memorial

Jillian said: “If you haven’t seen it, here is a link to a nurse singing Amazing Grace at the COVID Memorial. Just the fact that they held a memorial was momentous.” 

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Farmworkers harvesting in the field

Claire shared the Counter’s “Farmworkers Still Don’t Get Paid for Overtime in Most Places: ‘This is the Very Definition of Structural Racism.’

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A man receives a vaccination from a clinician

Weekly Win: Many wins were registered this week, in proposed immigration policy (which will undoubtedly positively impact health among migrants, immigrants, and refugees); in the possibility of some essential workers, including food and farmworkers, would be shortly able to access COVID-19 vaccinations as some parts of the country move to "Phase 1B"; in the celebration of immigrants and Spanish speakers when J. Lo recited the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish at the Inauguration; a bust of Cesar Chavez now sits behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office; the appointments of strong worker health advocates in OSHA and elsewhere in the new Biden government; in one MCN staff member getting her US citizenship -- it's been a busy week. Here, we highlight one quick win you may have missed, that may be useful when communicating with patients during vaccination, shared by Ed: “Moderna Says COVID-19 Vaccine Immunity to Stay At Least a Year.” 



Have a safe and healthy weekend.

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