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Five on Friday: COVID Vaccines Prevented Millions of Infections, Study Finds

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Five on Friday: COVID Vaccines Prevented Millions of Infections, Study Finds

We’re headed into the weekend once again, and, unsurprisingly, the staff of Migrant Clinicians Network had a lot to share this week, particularly around the pandemic. Here are five must-reads that MCNers shared this week -- with a triple dose of the Weekly Win to keep our spirits up.


A person sinking in sheets

Ashley-Michelle shared this NPR news segment on the important topic of emotional responses to the pandemic. People Are Developing Trauma-Like Symptoms as the Pandemic Wears On

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A painting of a person resting

Candace forwarded on this National Geographic article, saying “I like the idea of reviving the concept of convalescence and the pictures in this article are as good as the narrative.” Can This 19th-Century Health Practice Help with Long COVID?

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A person receiving a vaccination

Weekly Win: We know the COVID-19 vaccines have been effective, but how many lives have they saved? Kaethe sent around a news report on a study that helps us envision a terrifying alternative path, in which vaccines weren’t available, or less effective. These vaccines aren’t just lifesaving on an individual level – they have prevented a runaway pandemic in which every part of our lives could have been affected. That is something to celebrate! COVID-19 Vaccines Prevented More Than 2.2 Million US deaths, Study Says


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Workers laying pavement

Weekly Win: Good news on the worker health front! Amy forwarded on the White House announcement of “first-ever national emphasis program to protect workers from indoor and outdoor heat hazards” -- a much-needed shift at the federal level as the climate crisis progresses. Secretary Walsh Joins Vice President Kamala Harris to Announce First-Ever National Emphasis Program to Protect Workers from Indoor and Outdoor Heat Hazards

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A container marked for asbestos

In the “Better Late Than Never” category of Weekly Win: Amy shared this great news covered in the Washington Post. EPA Moves to Ban the Most Common Type of Cancer-Causing Asbestos

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Have a safe and healthy weekend!

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