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- Your Voice Matters: Photovoice Project
Fri, 02/25/2022 | by MCN Admin

This is a very exciting weekend for our Chico, California office – Tu voz importa photography exhibit is opening at the Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology! This exhibit will feature the photos and stories of Latinx women and youth from around the Northern Sacramento Valley who participated in MCN’s photovoice project with photographer Robyne Hayes. The museum is celebrating the opening weekend with a special panel discussion on Saturday, February 26th at 1pm. Northern Californians, please join us – and spread the word with your community! The exhibit runs through May 6th.
And on to the rest of Five on Friday! Here are five recommendations from MCN staff on issues of health equity that you may have missed.
Amy shared the new open-source journal article in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Health Equity and a Paradigm Shift in Occupational Safety and Health
Hopefully you haven’t used up your free articles at the New York Times this month because Kaethe shared an excellent illustration-heavy summary of long COVID, available in English and Spanish: How Long Covid Exhausts the Body
Salvador sent this video to Alma, and Alma forwarded it on to the rest of us – an oldie but a goodie, and an excuse to get in a little dancing while at work: Pórtate bien
Many articles and lots of emails were sent about the passing of Paul Farmer, MD, PhD. Kaethe sent along this Atlantic piece: Paul Farmer Invented a New Way of Caring for One Another
Weekly Win: ICYMI: An incredible story and a hopeful glimpse into the future: First Woman Reported Cured of HIV after Stem Cell Transplant
Have a safe and healthy weekend!
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