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Five on Friday: Racism Is a Public Health Threat
Fri, 04/16/2021 | by MCN AdminWe’ve arrived at Friday, at last! For those of us with a Saturday/Sunday weekend, you may be eager to head out the door. Before you do, take a look at the some of the interesting articles that MCN staff shared among each other this week – maybe there’s something you missed.
Five on Friday: Migration Driven By Climate Crisis
Fri, 04/09/2021 | by MCN AdminMCN staff were eager to share articles covering a range of topics this Friday!
Five on Friday: Drop in Cases Among Vaccinated Health Care Workers
Fri, 04/02/2021 | by MCN AdminIt’s Friday again! MCN staff have shared more great articles that include updates for migration at the border and COVID-19.
Five on Friday: Debunking COVID-19 Misinformation
Fri, 03/26/2021 | by MCN AdminA busy Spring week here at Migrant Clinicians Network! Here are some updates from the world of public health and health justice that we thought you’d enjoy, chosen by MCN staff members.
Five on Friday: Enforcement Efforts to Protect Workers
Fri, 03/19/2021 | by MCN AdminIt’s almost spring! For many of us who have been cooped up in our homes for many months, the outdoor rebirth of the year can’t come soon enough.
Five on Friday: Clinicians' Human Rights
Fri, 03/05/2021 | by MCN AdminMarch is here, and spring is making a beautiful debut in many fields and farms around the country – while holding back in other parts. As you head toward the weekend, whether into inches of snow or into high pollen counts, we invite you to read five articles that MCN staff shared this week, including a double dose of our weekly win.
Five on Friday: Climate Migration Keeps Growing
Fri, 02/26/2021 | by MCN AdminFriday has arrived! Here are some updates from the world of public health and health justice, chosen by MCN staff members, that we hope you can use.