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Five on Friday | September 23, 2016
Fri, 09/23/2016 | by Claire Hutkins SedaHappy Autumn Equinox! This week, as the sun rises directly due east and sets directly due west, we pull out the sweaters and celebrate the cooler mornings and longer nights. Grab a cup of hot tea and read up on what’s new in migrant health, recommended by MCN staff.
Five on Friday | September 16, 2016
Fri, 09/16/2016 | by Claire Hutkins SedaAnother very full week here at Migrant Clinicians Network! Here are some updates from the world of public health and health justice that we thought you’d enjoy, chosen by MCN staff members.
Five on Friday | August 19, 2016
Fri, 08/19/2016 | by Claire Hutkins SedaWhat a beautiful day! A wisp of a fall breeze is tentatively unfurling into the late summer’s heat. Just the right time to spend a few minutes reading. Curl up with these quick reads on migrant health and health justice, as recommended by our staff at MCN. Which ones did you enjoy? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.
Five on Friday | July 29, 2016
Fri, 07/29/2016 | by Claire Hutkins Seda
Last one to the pool is a rotten egg! I’m bringing these articles with me poolside, to read while the kids do belly flops and cannonballs. We hope you, too, can find time this weekend to dive into these recommended articles from MCN staff.