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Webinar: Asthma, Climate Change, and Health

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The Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN) and the National Nursing Centers Consortium (NNCC) present: "Asthma, Climate Change, and Health" webinar, in honor of Children's Health Month.  Participants will learn how climate change will affect their health, particularly their asthma; how to improve indoor air quality in the home by identifying and eliminating asthma triggers in the home; and actions people can take to mitigate the risks associated with asthma and climate change.  This webinar, for all health and social service providers, will discuss climate change in general terms and provide take-home messages that can be shared with vulnerable populations. It will also teach about indoor environmental health and asthma triggers, like mold and pests, as well as how to identify and minimize these exposures.  Presented By:  Dr. Ruth Etzel, MD, PhD along with  Nancy DeLeon Link, MGA &  Shawana Mitchell, HHS.  Click the following link to register:

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