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Clinician-to-Clinician: A Forum for Health Justice

Five on Friday: SCOTUS Blocks Attempt to End DACA
By: MCN Admin, Jun. 19, 2020
Friday is here again! Here are five recent news selections that were shared by MCN staff this week. Thanks to the Supreme Court, we have a double dose of the Weekly Win to guide us into the weekend.  Amy shared an article, “As Summer Season Heats Up, Migrant Workers Confront Compounded Coronavirus Risks,” that references MCN’s recent webinar, “COVID-19 and the Realities for Farmworkers... Read More
¿Es el COVID-19 aerotransportado? Preguntas y respuesta con los doctores Chad Ro
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Jun. 17, 2020
[Nota del editor: este artículo se publicará en el próximo número de Streamline. Asegúrese de suscribirse a nuestra publicación trimestral impresa aquí.]Nuevos estudios relacionados al COVID-19Durante el seminario virtual, el Dr. Zuroweste describió dos estudios epidemiológicos recientes que destacan los riesgos asociados con la aerobiología de COVID-19. Un trabajo de investigación cubrió las... Read More
Five on Friday: Challenges of False-negative COVID-19 Tests
By: Anonymous, Jun. 12, 2020
Friday has arrived! Many in our clinical network around the country have been very hard at work and outside of work to serve patients, support the community, and fight for justice. MCN’s Witness to Witness has offered resources and webinars about stress, grief, and support in recent weeks that are now available on our site. Stay safe and healthy as you continue your important work!  Laz... Read More
Guest Blog: New WHO Guidance on Masks for COVID-19 Ignores Findings of its Own E
By: MCN Admin, Jun. 10, 2020
[Editor’s Note: Today’s blog post comes from Rory O’Neill, Occupational Health and Workplace Safety Advisor for the International Trade Union Confederation, editor of Hazards magazine and professor at the University of Liverpool School of Law and Social Justice, England.  His commentary, originally published through an occupational health listserv and on Twitter, includes the perspective of... Read More
Mejores practicas para equipos de alcance móviles
By: MCN Admin, Jun. 8, 2020
Justo al oeste de Portland, Oregón, miles de acres de huertos, viñedos y arbustos de bayas se extienden a través de llanuras fértiles. Cada junio, estos campos son atendidos y cosechados por trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y de temporada que han llegado de todo el país y del hemisferio occidental. Pero en el 2020 es diferente: la pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado duramente a esta región, con el... Read More
Five on Friday: Farmworkers Dying as Infections Spike
By: MCN Admin, Jun. 5, 2020
This week, our wonderful Chief Medical Officer, Laszlo Madaras, MD, MPH, gained yet another set of letters after his name: FAAFP, as he has now become a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Congratulations, Laz!  Here are some pieces we shared this week at MCN that we’d like to share with you: Amy shared “Public Health Experts Say the Pandemic Is Exactly Why Protests... Read More
A Tribute to a Patient Who Died of COVID-19
By: Laszlo Madaras, Jun. 3, 2020
By Laszlo Madaras, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer for the Migrant Clinicians NetworkHis name, translated from French, was something like “Dear Heart”* I got to know him when I admitted him to our rural Pennsylvania hospital, and I found the name fit him well.  That week, as the hospitalist admitter for the emergency room, I evaluated patients from noon to 7pm every day – but Dear Heart stood... Read More
Declaración de posición: En solidaridad contra la violencia racial y la injustic
By: MCN Admin, Jun. 2, 2020
Migrant Clinicians Network, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la justicia en salud, lamenta y condena los asesinatos de George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, y Tony McDade. El racismo, como hemos presenciado a través de la historia de nuestra nación, y que hoy continúa siendo pernicioso, implacable y sin ser atendido, tiene consecuencias mortales.  La violencia racial y... Read More
What Primary Care Means: Notes from Amy K. Liebman on the Patient Perspective
By: Amy Liebman, Jun. 2, 2020
[Editor’s Note: Earlier today, Amy K. Liebman, MA, Director of Environmental and Occupational Health for Migrant Clinicians Network, presented to the Committee on Implementing High-Quality Primary Care, of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. She described what primary care means for migrant and immigrant patients across the US, based on what our clinical network shares... Read More
Five on Friday: Significant Risks to Health Workers During Pandemic
By: MCN Admin, May. 29, 2020
It can be a challenge to select just five pieces to highlight each week. Here are some of the articles that we bet you haven’t seen yet this week -- and we think you’ll enjoy them and maybe find them useful in your own work in health justice in the age of COVID-19. Laz uses David Aronoff, MD’s metaphor to describe to COVID-19 patients how remdesivir is only effective when given early in the... Read More
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