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Clinician-to-Clinician: A Forum for Health Justice

Five on Friday: Stepping Up to Support Farmworkers
By: MCN Admin, May. 1, 2020
Cinco de Mayo is just days away, and the festivities continue, albeit online. Altísimo Live! is a Cinco de Mayo concert that, this year, will benefit the Farmworkers Pandemic Relief Fund.  Lots of people and organizations are stepping up to assist the most vulnerable -- read this week’s Weekly Win, below, for a rundown. But before that, here are some additional reads that MCN staff shared... Read More
Take Action: Rescind Order to Halt Asylum Processes
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Apr. 30, 2020
This week, Migrant Clinicians Network joined Doctors for America, Refugee Health Alliance, and Human Impact Partners to demand that Robert R. Redfield, MD, the Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, immediately rescind the recently extended order to suspend the admission of asylum seekers “from countries where a communicable disease exists,” as the order states.  “The... Read More
Mi salud es mi tesoro: Un guía para vivir bien con diabetes
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Apr. 29, 2020
[Nota del editor: la edición de primavera de Streamline ha llegado a los buzones de correo de todo el país. En la primera página, anunciamos el lanzamiento del nuevo libro cómico de MCN e incluimos una muestra de dos páginas del cómic en su interior. A continuación, se muestra una reimpresión del artículo de Streamline. Suscríbase a Streamline para recibir impreso nuestro diario trimestral.... Read More
Next Steps: Keeping Essential Workers Essential, After the Pandemic
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Apr. 27, 2020
Photo: (c) [Editor’s Note: April 28th is Workers Memorial Day. Every year, we honor those workers who have died on the job by pushing for better protections to prevent future deaths. This year, as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, the need for better protections for the health of our essential workers is indisputable.]For perhaps the first time in American history,... Read More
Five on Friday: More Protection Needed for Essential Workers
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Apr. 24, 2020
Summer is just around the corner, and some of the warmer pockets of our country are already producing summer crops, like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. As COVID-19 disrupts food distribution and slows farm work, we are grateful to the thousands of workers who are still toiling in the fields to bring us those long-craved jewels of summer. This week, as expected, COVID-19 was center stage, and... Read More
Declaración de principios: las políticas de inmigración deben cambiar durante la
By: MCN Admin, Apr. 23, 2020
La Red de Proveedores de Servicios de Salud para Migrantes (MCN, por sus siglas en inglés) hace un llamado a las autoridades de inmigración para que rescindan las políticas de inmigración peligrosas que ponen en riesgo a los refugiados, los migrantes y las comunidades fronterizas durante la pandemia de COVID-19.En mayo de 2019, el gobierno de Donald Trump comenzó a poner en funcionamiento los... Read More
Worker Safety is Safety for All of Us
By: Amy Liebman, Apr. 21, 2020
Photo by Earl DotterBy Amy K. Liebman, Director of Environmental and Occupational Health, Migrant Clinicians Network“There are mountains beyond mountains. The struggle continues.” Citing the Haitian proverb, my colleague (and former MCN Board Member) Wilson Augustave wrote these words in response to my Facebook post where I shared the grief of my friend Habacuc Petion who had just lost his cousin... Read More
A farmworker carrying cranberries
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Apr. 20, 2020
During our weekly all-staff meeting, MCN staff members discussed the worrying health consequences of the proposed pay cut for H2A workers in the midst of the pandemic, during which such workers are essential to our basic food system. Luckily, it appears that the Trump Administration is no longer attempting to reduce H2A worker wages, but such a suggestion is concerning. Reduced pay for H2A... Read More
Five on Friday: Immigrants Afraid to Seek Testing
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Apr. 17, 2020
Not surprisingly, this week’s recommendations from MCN staff members once again heavily leaned toward COVID-19, particularly around the health needs of farmworkers. The pandemic has shined a much-needed spotlight on the essential nature of farmwork to keep our food system operating. And yet, necessary and long-overdue safety and health precautions and access to even basic health care haven’t yet... Read More
Health Centers on the Frontlines: Mary's Center on Virtual Enabling Services
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Apr. 16, 2020
 At Mary’s Center, a large Washington, DC and Maryland-based community health center with five clinical sites, two senior service centers, and 23 school-based mental health sites in partnership with DC public schools, Seiji Hayashi, MD, MPH, Chief Transformation Officer, is taking it one day at a time. As COVID-19 and the accompanying economic crisis -- resulting in a national trend of fewer... Read More
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