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Clinician-to-Clinician: A Forum for Health Justice

Patient talks with clinician
By: Laszlo Madaras, Aug. 10, 2019
My patient, Alma, came to the emergency room with chest pain radiating to her left breast. She was 55 and had already had a lumpectomy for suspected breast cancer five years ago. She was worried about her heart, but her deeper fear was that her breast cancer somehow was coming back. She was trying to learn English, but the subtleties of language made the conversation with the hospital staff about... Read More
Workers spray pesticides on a crop
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Aug. 9, 2019
 Today we’re wrapping up National Health Center Week! Health centers continue to be the cornerstone of health and well-being for millions of people in the US. We are proud to work closely with community health centers around the country each and every day and we commend them for their exceptional dedication to the most underserved and hard-to-reach patients in our country. Let your health... Read More
Mother watches as son has blood pressure taken by clinician
By: Jessica Candela, Aug. 8, 2019
“America’s Health Centers: Rooted in Communities.” The theme of this year’s National Health Center Week aptly recognizes and celebrates the ways in which health centers are connected to the communities they serve.“I know that when I work with a health center I am in the beating heart of that community. The staff’s dedication to service and devotion to patients is evident every day,” said Deliana... Read More
Nelly Salgado works with Robert Corona, Nestor Reyes, and Roxana Pineda
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Aug. 7, 2019
[Nelly Salgado de Snyder works with MCN's Robert Corona, Nestor Reyes, and Roxana Pineda.][Editor’s note: Migrant Clinicians Network welcomes Nelly Salgado de Snyder, MA, DSW. This year, Salgado de Snyder has joined forces with Migrant Clinicians Network for several collaborations and projects as she spends a sabbatical year with us in Austin, Texas.][Nota del editor: Migrant Clinicians Network... Read More
Farmworkers work in the heat of the day
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Aug. 6, 2019
July may be the hottest month ever recorded on the planet. The signature of the climate crisis is increased heat, particularly heat waves that are more frequent and longer in duration. Extreme heat like this year’s early-summer heat waves across the US and current record-breaking heat in Alaska endanger the health of farmworkers, who likely underreport their illnesses in an effort to keep their... Read More
People standing together on hillside
By: MCN Admin, Aug. 6, 2019
[Karl Hoffmann]  Nosotros, quienes integramos Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) estamos devastados por los recientes tiroteos ocurridos en California la semana pasada, y en Texas y Ohio el pasado fin de semana. Estos horribles y trágicos eventos han afectado a nuestro personal, familia, amigos, colegas e innumerables personas de comunidades a lo largo de los Estados Unidos e incluso... Read More
Five on Friday: Migration and the Climate Crisis
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Aug. 2, 2019
 This month, we celebrate National Immunization Awareness Month. MCN’s work at the Ventanilla de Salud in Austin includes weekly health fairs, many of which feature free vaccinations for Austin’s large Latino community. Make sure to watch for updates by following Ventanilla de Salud, Austin on Facebook and Twitter. For clinicians outside of the Austin area: the CDC’s campaign for the month... Read More
Five on Friday: July 26, 2019
By: MCN Admin, Jul. 25, 2019
 This summer has pushed the mercury up to never-before-seen heat in locations across the Northern Hemisphere. This weekend’s record-breaking heat in Europe threatens the health of thousands of people like agricultural workers who cannot avoid the heat. In the Arctic, the immense heat is melting ice fast, and is set to melt at an even faster rate as the “heat dome” settles over the north.... Read More
Emanual Ramirez
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Jul. 25, 2019
[Editor’s Note: A recent study identified the health consequences of immigration policy on US citizen children of parents without authorization. Here, a young US citizen describes his own upbringing and the affect his parents’ immigration status had, and continues to have, on his family.]When the Dust Rises“When the Dust Rises” is an anthology of written and photographic submissions from Mount... Read More
MCN's CEO Karen Mountain holding a 35 year anniversary sign
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Jul. 24, 2019
“I always knew I wanted to go into health care,” says Karen Mountain, MBA, MSN, RN, Migrant Clinicians Network’s Chief Executive Officer, the first and only leader that MCN has had since its inception, 35 years ago. Mountain’s early endeavors as an adventurous international nurse gave her a global perspective and a desire to support health care delivery at the international level. But it was her... Read More
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