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Clinician-to-Clinician: A Forum for Health Justice

Declaración de MCN: Los centros de detención no son apropiados para los niños
By: MCN Admin, May. 29, 2019
 Las muertes repetidas y evitables de niños migrantes en detención son inadmisibles. Nosotros, en Migrant Clinicians Network, exigimos la implementación inmediata de salvaguardas más adecuadas y mejores condiciones para disminuir la probabilidad de muerte entre los niños recluidos en centros de detención.  Como clínicos, reconocemos el impacto que el estrés y el trauma antes y después... Read More
Five on Friday: Puerto Ricans Still Living Under Tarps
By: MCN Admin, May. 23, 2019
 May is close to the end; it’s the official kickoff to summer!  Before you head to the barbecue or  pack up your swimsuit and sunscreen, take a moment to read some of the news pieces and resources that we shared amongst ourselves here at MCN this week.   Marysel sent over this article on the shocking number of people still struggling in poor conditions after... Read More
Resumen del año: Protegiendo a los niños de los trabajadores agrícolas de los co
By: MCN Admin, May. 20, 2019
Después de un año muy exitoso, Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) y nuestro aliado, East Coast Migrant Head Start Project (ECMHSP) estamos listos y entusiasmados para empezar este nuevo año con nuestro programa comunitario sobre la salud ambiental para los hijos de los trabajadores agrícolas.Nuestro proyecto, Protegiendo a los niños de los trabajadores agrícolas de los contaminantes ambientales,... Read More
Five on Friday: Protecting Farmworker Children
By: MCN Admin, May. 17, 2019
 In many parts of the flood-hit Midwest, farmers are still waiting for soil to dry out to plant. In California, an unusual late-season storm brought winter rain to summer crops that typically rely only on irrigation.  It seems most of the country is experienced strange weather, and such fluctuations affect farmworkers, who haven’t arrived in some areas, which in turn affect the many... Read More
Medscape Perspective: Stagnant Patient Records Are Public Health Problem
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, May. 16, 2019
 Mobile patients -- whether a professional who gets sick at an out-of-town conference or a farmworker who moves every three weeks for work -- often find that health records aren’t available when they are most needed. In our tech-obsessed and hypermobile society, how have our health records lagged so far behind? In a new perspective piece published on Medscape, entitled “Stagnant Patient... Read More
Luis Retta, Health Network Associate
By: Monique Vasquez, May. 15, 2019
 [Editor’s note: Let’s celebrate our Health Network team, the hardworking people who save lives by assuring continuity of care!  Health Network is our bridge case management program that provides comprehensive case management, medical records transfer, and follow-up services for mobile patients.  Here’s our fourth installment highlighting the Health Network team, with a piece on... Read More
Dr. Madaras at the UN: TB Can Be Controlled through Universal Health Coverage
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, May. 14, 2019
 At the end of April, MCN’s Chief Medical Officer Laszlo Madaras, MD, MPH headed to the United Nations in New York City for a multi-stakeholder hearing on universal health coverage, ahead of a UN High Level Meeting on the topic in September.  The meeting “aims to accelerate progress toward universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, access to quality essential... Read More
Five on Friday: California to Ban Chlorpyrifos
By: MCN Admin, May. 9, 2019
 Happy Friday! Here’s your weekly dose of migrant health news, offered up by MCN staff.   Amy says, “Way to go, California!” with the Golden State’s newly announced ban on chlorpyrifos.  Kate shared another EPA ruling: “EPA Leaders Disregarded Agency’s Experts in Issuing Asbestos Rule, Memos Show.”  Saul sent around the horrifying news, “A 16-year-old... Read More
Patient discusses costs with doctor
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, May. 9, 2019
 How many clinicians hold a conversation with patients around the potential costs of this visit’s care? For low-income patients, who have little to no savings, the fear of paying for a health crisis increases the anxiety and stress around the diagnosis itself, including a chronic condition like diabetes. And yet, according to a paper published this week in the Annals of Internal Medicine,... Read More
Five on Friday: Workers' Memorial Week
By: MCN Admin, May. 3, 2019
 Earlier this week, we marked the end of Workers’ Memorial Week. Workers encounter hazards every day that cause needless injuries, illnesses, and even deaths. We commemorate this week to honor those who have died, and to strive to prevent future preventable deaths related to work. This week’s Five on Friday explores articles and resources related to worker health and safety, recommended by... Read More
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