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Theressa Lyons-Clampitt

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Austin, Texas

Theressa Lyons-Clampitt (she/her) is a native Texan, born in San Antonio and raised in Lubbock. Moving to Austin in the late 1970s, she attended Austin Community College for a degree in Anthropology.  Lyons-Clampitt joined the MCN team in 2007 as Grant Specialist for the Heath Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Livestrong Foundation. Today, she is the Senior Program Manager in Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA). In that position, Lyons-Clampitt is responsible for the oversight of training and technical assistance activities related to MCN’s work as a National Training and Technical Assistance Partner (NTTAP) for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). She also provides oversight for MCNs Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Educational T/TA database. 

In her personal life, Lyons-Clampitt is the Founder and Co-Director of The Circle of Friends Alzheimer’s Caregivers Respite, dedicated to providing respite to those who care for loved ones living with Alzheimer’s disease.

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