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Clinician-to-Clinician: A Forum for Health Justice

Woman being treated by clinician
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Jul. 5, 2018
photo courtesy of Viriginia Garcia Memorial Health CenterBy Claire Hutkins Seda, Writer, Migrant Clinicians Network, and Managing Editor, Streamline[Editor’s Note: It’s summer! That means the summer issue of Streamline has arrived in mailboxes around the country. This issue features articles on culturally competent medical history-taking, disasters and mental health response teams, a Health... Read More
mother and child
By: Martha Alvarado, Jul. 5, 2018
 Como proveedores de atención médica, nosotros en Migrant Clinicians Network nos oponemos firmemente a la política de inmigración que separa a los niños de sus padres. Los impactos a lo largo de la vida de dicho trauma administrado por el gobierno de EE.UU. son significativos e inaceptables. Esta bien documentado que las experiencias adversas de la infancia (ACE por su siglas en inglés),... Read More
Boy being treated at clinic
By: MCN Admin, Jul. 5, 2018
 Ayer, el presidente Trump firmó una orden ejecutiva que suspende su política de separar a los niños de sus padres inmigrantes al cruzar la frontera. Desde el comienzo de la política de “cero tolerancia” de Trump, todos aquellos que cruzan la frontera y buscan asilo han sido arrestados y procesados penalmente. Desde el acuerdo de Flores en 1997, y más específicamente bajo la enmienda de... Read More
Child holding on to wire fence
By: Martha Alvarado, Jul. 5, 2018
  María* estaba detenida con un brazo severamente fracturado. Ella había cruzado la frontera en un jeep que se volcó en el desierto. Su hija pequeña murió al ser expulsada del auto. María fue detenida por la patrulla fronteriza. Aunque sus heridas eran severas, no recibió la atención médica que necesitaba mientras estuvo detenida. Su abogado temía que María pudiera perder su brazo.La... Read More
Two kids posing for photo
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Jun. 29, 2018
 July is rushing through the door, even though June seems to have just settled in. Where does the time go? If you can spare a few minutes, grab a chair and a cup of coffee and dive into these June reads, recommended to you by MCN staff.   Dangers of the "Kissing Bug"  Jillian, Director of Education and Communication, shared a new guide from the University of Texas, “... Read More
Father hugging daughter
By: MCN Admin, Jun. 22, 2018
 Take care of yourselves! Amidst another very tough week in migrant health, we encourage our clinician constituents to take some time to relax, rejuvenate, reboot -- and rejoice in the small victories that are moving us forward. Today’s Five on Friday features resources and articles on steps in the right direction, actionable items for positive change, and new resources to promote health.... Read More
Family gathers water in the forest
By: Amy Liebman, Jun. 20, 2018
photo: Earl Dotter[Editor's Note: Today, on World Refugee Day, we commemorate the strength, courage, and perseverance of the millions of refugees around the world, including the thousands who are right now taking the long and perilous journey to our own borders, and the families who have recently reached the border, only to be separated and detained. We at Migrant Clinicians Network have voiced... Read More
Girl looks through border fence
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Jun. 19, 2018
photo by Karl Hoffman[Editor’s Note: This is the third in a series around Adverse Childhood Experiences. Read the first installment, from Dr. Eva Galvez, here, and the second, about one group’s efforts to address ACEs, here. Read MCN's statement opposing the separation of immigrant families here.]In the first six weeks of the Trump Administration’s new policy of separating children from... Read More
Five on Friday hands holding tomatoes
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Jun. 15, 2018
 The warmer days are here! Fields across America are swelling with the produce that make up our summer picnics and graduation barbeques. We’re looking forward to another relaxing June weekend as we round out another very full week here at Migrant Clinicians Network. Here are some resources and updates that we found useful and insightful. What are you reading? Let us know on Facebook or... Read More
Deliana Garcia speaking on UN End TB panel
By: Claire Hutkins Seda, Jun. 14, 2018
“Eradicating tuberculosis can free a world potential so great as to reduce poverty, decrease childmortality, increase educational levels, productivity, and global wealth.”“Eradicating tuberculosis can free a world potential so great as to reduce poverty, decrease child mortality, increase educational levels, productivity, and global wealth.”Last week, Deliana Garcia, MCN’s Director of... Read More
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